Sat. 3rd Nov. to Frid. 9th Nov. 2012

Gillette Blue II disposable
Edwin Jagger BBB
Boots Freshwood aftershave

Just been for a little swim, now waiting for my eldest to arrive with his partner. Could be cynical and say he's only coming round to pick up his birthday presents as he's 21 on Tuesday.

I know! I know! I don't look old enough.
Mikael said:
Nice photo Dr D, as usual! ... + I really like it when you get to Martin, re those UFO handles, well done! :D

Mikael, thank you very much. It certainly seems that Martin has relaxed with the UFO handles. Yesterday he said nothing, perhaps was confused with the psychedelic colors. :icon_eek: Today, a classic razor, the Old Type, with its original handle, and soft colors, mood relaxers.
Dr Dulcamara said:
Mikael said:
Nice photo Dr D, as usual! ... + I really like it when you get to Martin, re those UFO handles, well done! :D

Mikael, thank you very much. It certainly seems that Martin has relaxed with the UFO handles. Yesterday he said nothing, perhaps was confused with the psychedelic colors. :icon_eek: Today, a classic razor, the Old Type, with its original handle, and soft colors, mood relaxers.

Oh for God's's a damn enabling conspiracy........sheesh. Yes Good Doctor, I've been aware of those SOTD pics of yours, plus Sir_Eider's also been taunting me as well. I'm like a helpless little bird being hypnotized by the snake(s). I know I shouldn't look at your pics, but I can't help it.

Heh, Mikey, I can see why you get a kick outta these guys doing what they do. They remind you of you I think.........
Mikael said:
Is that a hockey puck, uncle Martini? We love that came over here and I played when younger and once I even was mistaken for a national team player, but that's another story (involving me getting a baseboll cap and pissing off a TV recorder film guy, but that's really another story) ...

I remember you posted that hockey story a while back......pretty damn funny one. If I'm not mistaken, it was during the 1998 Olympics in Japan, that the 'mix up' took place. I believe you tried passing yourself off as the US hockey player Cammi Granato and was selling autographs on the street. Naughty, naughty.
Prep Pre Shave
Institut Karite Shave Cream
Simpsons Duke Best
Goodfella Black
Astra sp
Witch Hazel.

It was the last chance for this razor today and it let me down so its in the drawer
with it. A few nicks today fo the first time in years,Still another day
tomorrow and a different razor.
Prep - Hot Towel, Palmolive S/S
Razor - Weber ARC
Blade - Astra S/P
Brush - GOSH Heritage
Soap - Vitos Extra Super (Cocco)
Cold Rinse/ Witch Hazel/ Musgo Real

a fantastic shave with the Weber..... the S/P really suits this razor. The Vitos is another wonderful croap... I'm pleased I have a brick of this!! :icon_razz:
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep;

vintage rebranded Simpsons best
1956 Diplomat/Iridium
RL Safari SS
RL Safari AS Relief Balm
RL 'Safari' EdT (old juice)

Fun using this little razor. Nice balance and knurling pattern, with a relatively mild shaving performance. I also have a US made Aristo in the rotation.

BBS results,

Sunday 11-04-12.


Soap from Aleppo - Kimson de España - Gillette Rocket HD 500 - Polsilver #3 - Pre JASÖN - Martin de Candre shaving soap - Alum block - Thayers Original - ASB Castle Forbes Lavender - ASL Myrsol Agua Balsámica.
Mikael said:
dodgy said:
What's doin Uncle Mikey,

You seem to like those old Pakistani razors, so maybe I can do a small bit of enabling. Here's one I haven't tried cleaning up, but it looks to be in overall good shape. Ever hear of a #504? I bet this one would do a good job on those paint spattered windows.
Please excuse the horrible pics......sheesh.

Is that a hockey puck, uncle Martini? We love that came over here and I played when younger and once I even was mistaken for a national team player, but that's another story (involving me getting a baseboll cap and pissing off a TV recorder film guy, but that's really another story) ...

Well, that mark on the monkey tail (yes Mary, monkey tail :D) hasn't really anything to do with what type of razor it is, it was an internal reference for the factory, as I get it. But, it looks to be a nice Helje and if you send me it 'll send you a couple of GEM blades you can use to scrape the windows with. Yes, that's how generous I'm am, you'll get several blades for one :D

Nice photo Dr D, as usual! ... + I really like it when you get to Martin, re those UFO handles, well done! :D

LoL, hay mikael... just make those Gem blades used ones,with some rust on em, so that martin can catch some nasty infection :idea:

RozoRock XXX
Semogue SOC Boar
Gillette #15 Aristocrat
Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge (3)
Witch Hazel
DR Harris Windsor AS
LEA Balm

Hadn't shaved since Friday morning, so had a good bit of stubble to clear away. Razor just mowed it down. BBS results.
today's shave

Gillette SuperSpeed
Feather Blade
Fitjar Shaving cream ( Wild Man of the woods sent )
Kent BK4 brush
Geo.F.Trumper Sandlewoood Skinfood to Finish

Starting to use the SuperSpeed a little more... Getting nice shaves with it now.

The new Kent BK4 brush........soft but with some spine to it....nice
Sunday 4th November

Hot Shower and facial scrub
Proraso Sensitive Pre/Post cream
Gold Dollar 208 6/8 razor
Semogue 1800 brush
P160 Soap
Witch Hazel
Proraso AS
Organic Shea Butter
TBS White Musk for Men EDT
Morgans Classic Pomade

Three pass BBS

Haircut, shave, neck shave with:

Wahl professional clippers
Edwin Jagger DE87
Gillette 7 o'clock yellow
Rooney brush
TOBS lavender cream
Caldey Island lavender aftershave
Trying every way to blast my cold out:
Proraso green soap face wash
NF Tubby 1
Proraso green
Weber DLC/Goliath XL red bronze
Profs ASB mixed with lots of '444'

...Followed by cup of hot Lemsip

Menthol kick indeed BBS irritation free!
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