S.O.T.D. Saturday 7th January to Friday 13th January 2017

SOTN 08-01-16
Soap cologne Rusee
Finest badger 26mm brush on red stick handle Alfredo Miguel Hernandez Gonzalez
Raxor Beter XXXX 8/8
After shave and EdC agua brava
Last night this was my shave, very relaxing and therapeutic, nothing new, everything excellent, everything already known by you, now yes I slept like angel ...

Enviado desde la guarida del lobo estepario...
Sent from the lair of the steppe wolf...
Pre: Proraso White Pre-Shave
Soap: Sapone di Paolo Piccante
Razor: Parker Variant (2.5)
Brush: Semogue 610
Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium (2)
A/S: Old Spice
Balm: Sapone di Paolo Piccante
The Parker Variant is a fantastic razor. I think I prefer it to my Merkur Progress. Great balance and really easy to use and shaves brilliantly.


Brush: Omega 10015
Razor: Merkur 34C
Soap: Archaic Alchemy Eureka
A/S: Pecksniffs Men Professional balm & EDT

In need of some inspiration today, a great soap from a Mexican soap maker. Haven't used my 34C in so many months, nice to revisit my starter razor and it gave me the best shave I have had from it. I used a Super-Max Super Stainless for the first time, very nice blade for me. Quite enjoyed it and if the other blades are as good, I may pick up a batch, very cheap.​
Monday 9th January 2017
Monday 9th Jan.JPG

Pre Shave: Hot Shower, Bulldog Face Wash and Proraso Red
Razor: Gillette Slim Adjustable 1965 (5)
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (#2)
Brush: Plisson Badger
Cream: L'Occitane Cade
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Thayers unscented
AS: Nivea replenishing balm

Another fantastic shave today!

Second shave with the Gillette Slim, as yesterday the Slim was set to 4 and worked so well I thought I would see what 5 was like, the shave was great. Will try 6 next time.
Monday 9th

Soap - P&B Star Noir
Brush - Semogue 1470
Bowl - Steve Woodhead Ceramics
Razor - Schick Eversharp Injector G8
Blade - Schick Injector (ex - China)
Post - Thayer's and Floïd MV

With the slight roughness of the 1914, it was nice to get back to the close efficiency of the G8. Performed really well with the Star Noir; resulting in a BBS shave, with little touch-up. The Floïd's good stuff too; great post-shave feel. Nice little burn, followed by much coolness.
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