S.O.T.D. Saturday 7th January to Friday 13th January 2017

Good Afternoon Gents,

Let's start again shall we....

I'll try and keep this as brief as possible.

Part 1:
Used my SR for the first time since it's trip to Jamie Mahoney.
I'd sent it him to see if it was 'shave ready' or if it was just my technique, seen as this was my first SR.
He didn't think it was or at least to his standards. He also thought the pins were "pretty rough" and replaced them to. He honed it, taking it back to a 3K Stone. The service from Jamie was outstanding and I'd recommend him to anyone.

I used the SR and felt the improvement straight away. I did OK on my cheeks and under the jaw line. I tried the upper lip and chin but struggled so left it there.
No nicks or cuts and I still have both ears, which is nice.

Part 2: The Blackbird with OC base plate.
Tried the OC plate with a Gillette Nacet and there was a definite improvement. I experimented with the shaving angle too. Again this improved things and felt more comfortable. The finished shave was very close and no irritation or tenderness.

Before I wrap things up I'd like to thank the people who have gave me advice either on the forum or contacting me privately. I really appreciate the time and effort you go to.

Have a relaxing Sunday
Sunday 8 January 2017

The Italian Shave

Sometimes I like to shave with Italian shaving products only. This Sunday was one of those times and for the occasion I used my homemade shave products, an Omega brush and a Mastro Livi straight razor. The pre-shave oil, shaving cream and aftershave were all made by me at home and I am sure many of you know I like to make my own shaving stuff at home as a hobby. I like experimenting and to test new recipes, something I am doing since more than ten years now. I believe shaving with your homemade products adds extra pleasure to the pleasure of shaving, a rite made of small however big things, something you slowly savor while avoiding the frenzy of our modern times. The shave was absolutely special thanks to the super smoothness of this Mastro Livi Stripes CarboInox straight razor, a superb BBS shave!​

  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: RazorGuy Almond Oil Shaving Cream
  • Brush: Omega Bristle 10275
  • Bowl: Chinese Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Travel Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Stripes CarboInox Italy, 7/8 Full Hollow, Spanish Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Umbrian Extravirgin Olive Oil
  • After Shave: RazorGuy Bay Rum
Sunday AM 2017-01-08

Helen Chen suribachi
Elite Razor Bloody Basin Jasper Manchurian White (28mm/57mm)
Figaro P.160 shaving soap (tallow)
Feather AS-D2/DE Feather
Polsilver Super Iridium (5)
Barrister & Mann Reserve Cool aftershave sample

The Figaro has lost its original fragrance and just smells faintly soapy, but it easily made mounds of extremely rich, slick lather. I'll add just a hint of an EdT to its lather, probably Creed or Acqua di Parma, in the future.

Glad to see you up and running with the razor and taking your time to learn correct technique and not pushing it. Yes there are smashing people on the forum for advice and help.
How was it's Maiden voyage?
It was maiden voyage for both the brush and the razor. It ended up in a very close and pleasant shave. The Saponificio Varesino brush is lovely, handling and face feel are superb.
It was a long wait for the BBS-1. Now I understand first hand why there is so much demand for this razor. The finish is absolute gorgeous and with the Astra blade, the shave was smooth and efficent. Shaving angel is completly intuitive - a true pleasure.

Thanks for the feedback.
BBS-1 is the one DE razor I've been obsessed about. It looks stunning and everyone who used one has loved it.
I'm noht jealous whatsoever.