S.O.T.D. Saturday 28th February to Friday 6th March 2015

Poraso pre shave
Omega 49
Spice Trade soap
Wilkinson Sword empire with a modified Feather stainless blade wound back about half way
Alum block
Witch hazel
Nivea after shave balm
Surprisingly good shave actually very noisy, sounded like walking through gravel. but smooth without cuts or nicks
pjgh said:
If you enjoyed the Empire, look out for one of the later models: the W12 or the W19. These later models don't have the adjustment screw and have a safety bar up front rather than the roller - nice, smooth shaves.
You're like the devil on my shoulder, I'm supposed to be saving money with this shaving lark
Now I've GOT to look for more razors

Afternoon, everyone.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Super Max Stainless (3)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave soap: Wickham's 1912 sample
Aftershave: M&S Woodspice

That 1912-recipe hard soap sample always produces a thick and protective lather.
Cold water splash
Czech & Speake O&C
Simpsons Polo 8 in Super
ATT R1 Kronos
Perma-Sharp Super (4)
Clinique Post-Shave Soother

Oustanding lather from C&S and Polo, combined with sharpness and smoothness of Perma-Sharp blade. Top shave today
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: Proraso pre-shave - sensitive
Soap: Tabula Rosa - Herbs (sample)
Bowl: Woodhead Pedestal
Brush: MÜHLE Kosmo 23mm silvertip synthetic
Razor: Staylate - Stahly head + templ8 80mm handle
Blade: Gillette Rubie PP (1) + shim
After: SeaDrift Soaps Bay Rum AS, Weleda ASB

Liking this Tabula Rosa Herbs more each time I use it - get faint whiffs of lemongrass and such after the shave. No problem building a great lather.

I think my Stahly razor might have to be moved on. I gives a really smooth and enjoyable shave but just not as aggressive as I'm used to.

Have a fab day, people.

Monday 2nd March

Warm shower
Hot towel
Mike's Pine & Cedarwood scuttle lathered
Finest Badger brush made by myself
Gillette Super Adjustable long handle (S1 1970)
Vintage Wilkinson Sword (1)
Cold rinse
Thayers Superhazel
Boots Freshwood aftershave
SOTD - Monday
Cream: Miller Harris "Feuilles de Tabac"
Brush: Rubberset-400 replica with 24mm silvertip
Razor: Ikon DLC OC Deluxe w/OSS handle
Blade: Wilkinson Sword [NOS UK "Light Brigade"] (1)
Post: Thayer's Original witch hazel, followed by USB & Miller Harris "Feuilles de Tabac" EdT
Wow, what a shave. This cream is quickly becoming my favorite cream! It whips up nice and fragrant with just a damp brush. Slick 2-1/2 pass BBS.
This is my first time using a "Light Brigade" Wilkie and (I didn't think it was possible but...) I think it's sharper/smoother than my favorite "normal" made in UK Wilkie blades.

Bulldog Face Wash
Bay Soap Co. Arctic Blast Glycerine Shaving Soap
Muhle 33K256 Silvertip Fibre
Gillette Techmatic
Hot Rinse & Cold Rinse
Myrsol Metisol Aftershave
Old Spice Original Aftershave

Face Lathered
Two Pass - WTG & WTG (Slide)

Gillette's Techmatic seems to be THE most hated razor but I seem to get on with it fine. It's not the closest, certainly not the mildest; somewhere between the current Gillette Guard (when set to "Low") and their historical Trac II (when on "High"). I think the negativity quite probably stems from the poor storage of the cartridges themselves, giving poor performance when pressed into action some decades later. Even a good cartridge can have sections which are not so sharp, so when such a section is found, simply wind it on ...

Two passes, quite acceptable.
Today's the first day of my week using the Swedish Swing "1935 CC" razor.
I thought it was apt to use a Rapira, Swedish Steel blade in it.

More details about the shave here

Razor: Swedish Swing "1935 CC"
Blade: Rapira
Soap: Klar Kabinett
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson
A/S: Lucky Tiger

All in all a very nice shave!