S.O.T.D. Saturday 14th January to Friday 20th January 2017

Tuesday 1/17/17

Jojoba and Grapeseed oil preshave
Plisson Synthetic brush
L'Occitane Cade cream
Gerbault razor
Personna Red blade
Brut Dominant aftershave
Marlowe 144 balm

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Hi, I love the look of your razor, is it from the 1930s or 40s? It is very elegant ...very French ? I think this is the first of this type I have seen.
What happend with Gibbs's handle?

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I agree, a most underrated razor, as for the handle.... that is just something I cobbled together untill I get a custom handle made for me by one of the members on this fourm, it does the job for now!
Gibbs is one of the finest razor ever! I love mine!
Don't know about you, but on N settings this razor is The Razor.

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What happend with Gibbs's handle?

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This one I bought without the plastic handle....I have three altogether now 15, 17 and this one with no numbering on the bottom, just " Gibbs" I made up this handle untill a better replacement can be made.
As for the settings I like this razor on five or six depending what blade I am using.
Tuesday AM 2017-01-17

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle/Floris towel
Paladin Lotus
Floris Elite shaving soap (tallow) + Floris Elite shaving cream (vintage)
Feather AS-D2/Stork Aristocrat 2 Titanium
Wilkinson Light Brigade (9)
Floris Elite aftershave (vintage)

The Lotus is a wonderful brush, heftier and fuller than the Chief and Falstaff but still with very soft tips. Although the superlather is good, the Elite soap and cream both make such great lather that I think I'll alternate them in the future rather than combining. And the Stork handle is virtually ideal, with beautiful style, comfort, and light weight.
As I know, if there is no numbering on the bottom, then must be No17.

I'm very curious about replacment handle! Show us when arrive.

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