S.O.T.D. Saturday 14th January to Friday 20th January 2017

ATT S2 kronos/ gillette silver blue(#3)/ P&B citra royale/ semogue 610/ DR Harris bay rum a.s/ argan oil
Tues 17th Jan
RazoRock 22 mm
Haslinger Honig
General SE
Kai Mild pink
Alum Rub / Rinse off
Massimo Dutti A/S lotion

After shaving with heavier Razors, the lighter General felt more aggressive, and in areas it actually felt quite harsh. Perhaps I need to have a series of Shaves with it, to improve my handling, as apart from around the neck the overall shave finish was good.

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Brush: Semogue 830
Razor: Rockwell 6S
Soap: Wickhams Super Smooth Southsea Spray
A/S: Crabtree & Evelyn Hungary Water

Been ages since I used some Super Smooth, popped a fingertip amount into my bowl and went to work, lathers beautifully. I would love to see this scent as a 1912 soap. Wonderful, clean and fresh. Spice Trade lined up for tomorrow.
Tuesday 17th
Semogue 620
OSP Bay Rum (Prototype)
General w/Feather Pro Super #2
Rinse > Alum > Rinse
BigBoar's No4 Bay Rum
Lacura Body Moisturiser

Oh, I do like this Razor. It's so far given me 2 very pleasant, really smooth, close shaves without drama. The No4 Bay Rum from @BigBoar complimented the @OSP soap really well.
The Semogue continues to impress.

See you on Thursday, General in hand.
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: Argan Oil
Soap: Baume.be cream
Bowl: Woodhead Tall Large Scuttle
Brush: Crown King Suave 26mm synth
Razor: ATT S1 + Bamboo handle
Blade: Gillette Rubie (1)
After: WH, 4711 EdC for AS, Trumpers - Coral Skin Food

Rode the morning S1 train to Smoothsville with trusty companion Rubie. Three passes by Belgium (BE) and a quick splash at No.4711. Rosey finish with food at the O.K. Coral.

Hello all,

Pre-shave - warm shower, Wright's cold-tar soap and Proraso pre-shave cream (green)
Razor - Muhle Rocca R96
Blade - Astra SP (day 1)
Cream - Executive Shaving Bay Rum natural scented shaving cream
Brush - Simpsons Duke 2
Post shave - Good cold water rinse and D.R Harris Bay Rum aftershave.

Experimented a bit today with the lather on the Bay run - got a very good consistency. Nice 2 pass shave, although picked up a smaller weeper.

Have a good day.
View attachment 23119 SOTD Tuesday 17th January

Razor..Gibbs adjustable
Blade..Gillette Rubie #2
Soap..B&M Leviathan
Brush..Omega 48
Post..Thayers AF Lavender WH

A great shave from the Gibbs/Rubie combo, the Barrister and Mann soap preformed well and has a great scent.

Untill the next time.......

The Gibbs Adjustable is a great razor, and underrated IMO......did you have a custom handle put on it?
The Gibbs Adjustable is a great razor, and underrated IMO......did you have a custom handle put on it?
I agree, a most underrated razor, as for the handle.... that is just something I cobbled together untill I get a custom handle made for me by one of the members on this fourm, it does the job for now! :)
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