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Zoolander 2.
I rather liked the first one...but this one had such a mess of a plot that I just couldn't take it and gave up before I got to the half point mark.

I did however enjoy seeing Justin Bieber brutually shot dead w/in the first five minutes of the movie
Captain America: Civil War

Fun, tried to be more serious than it was, but not too bad really. Enough good moments to make it a proper superhero movie. Once again like Batman v Superman it tried to show the personal consequences of the violence in the previous movies. A strong 7/10
10 Cloverfield Lane

The first half of the movie was solely saved by John Goodman who is absolutely amazing in the movie.
The second half got a bit better and in the end it was a decent watch.
I am slowly realizing I don't really care for JJ Abrams.

I give it a 6/10

Just finished watching 'Jurasic Park 2015'. Not bad but kept comparing it to the original. Think that the original had more depth and was a more interesting film.

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Batman v superman
I found the film very slow, I was hoping for a lot more action from the start. We saw very little of both batman or superman until the end. My son enjoyed it, I wished we went to watch captain America civil war or waited until the DVD.
High-rise (2016)
A movie I rather wanted to like. A bit of a clock work orange feel to it but sadly it never came together for me.
I was bored out of my mind about 30-40 minutes into it.
Maybe the rest of the movie after that was great but I'll never know.

A 3/10.
Just watched an Arnie film called Maggie. It's a Zombie flick, however not your ordinary flesh fest. Imagine if your loved one had caught a virus that would turn your family member into a zombie. Would you want your loved one to die in a detention centre? Nope! Neither does Arnie.
So he takes his daughter home to turn and die. Poingent and thought provoking to see a zombie flick from the viewpoint of a victim as opposed to just a gore fest. Sad and well worth watching.
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
No idea how this movie has 8.5/10 on IMDB. I'd give it a kind 4/10 and maybe that's mostly because Captain America is such a complete douche.

DeathWish 3 - My God Michael Winner was an absolute hack. I can't understand how at no point nobody realised how bad it was and just started again.

Compellingly awful / 10
Reactions: Omp

I loaded up the DVD version of A Mighty Wind the other day and watched some high lights of which there is a bunch.

Similar group of actors from other movies y'all would know, like Spinal Tap and Best of Show for examples.

Mighty Wind reminds me a bit of good sly Monty Python humor, but done totally straight throughout the whole movie and never breaking character. Understatement works great in adding character empathy too, which is a nice touch. Plus, the songs are actually fine listening to and done by the actors.

If anyone doesn't like this movie....well, it would be diabolical of them.
I've not seen a Mighty Wind yet but loved the other two, particularly Best in Show.
I've not seen a Mighty Wind yet but loved the other two, particularly Best in Show.

Yep, that was also a good one, done the same kinda straight way. Heh, wacky characters acting like nothing goofy is happening.

Eugene Levy is a guy I like either as an actor or writer. Very talented with a sharp wit going on that often tickles me in some way. His role as a rather distant/fuzzy ex folk singing legend in Mighty Wind was played amazingly well. Plus, he can actually sing ok!

Anyone liking well done tongue in cheek will enjoy the flick.