Punishments at school

Fellonblackdays said:
I don't agree with hitting kids at all. Agree with Smoose. There were people that abused the right to strike kids and were getting a kick out of it, its well known teaching used to harbour child abusers.

Now there's a whole other can of worms, but I bet your parents and grandparents thought their kids were safe with the priest or vicar, that's a job that would harbour child abusers they are there in any jobs, rock stars too, to sully the teaching profession with such an accusation is unbelievable.

I and many many others suffered no lasting harm from corporal punishment at school, and would have also never have complained if it ever happened about a clip round the ear from a copper as you knew there would most likely be worse waiting if you went home and moaned about it. It taught people where boundaries are and that a punishment is supposed to hurt in some way and to be expected when those boundaries were crossed, to this day I would never talk to a police officer the way I hear 13 year old kids doing. I'm sorry but there is a huge difference between corporal punishment and beating someone senseless. Smoose's comment of "I would gladly disobey anyone " is endemic of the "me 1st" generations and a good reason why this country is in the uncaring shitty state it is these days, but you're that puffed up with how much you as an individual matter rather than as a nation or community that you would and could never understand.
Ye it's disgusting what kids now talk to police officers. Even worse when u hear about people throwing bricks at ambulances/ fire trucks and at the people I mean how stupid can you be.

I still don't think if I was cained at school it would of stopped me being mischievous. We do live in a nanny state but there's better ways than lashing
At junior school we had a teacher who would routinely shake boys with astonishing aggression and longevity. We called him Shaker Maker after the toy that was popular at the time. I hate to think what damage he did to little brains and it certainly wouldn't be allowed now and rightly so.
At grammar school a chemistry teacher who was slightly deranged in my opinion would rap a steel edged ruler across the knuckles of those pupils who annoyed him. That was pretty damn painful actually. Our english teacher devised a little punishment he used the little tufts of hair adjacent to ones ears to pull boys up on to the chair seats and then the desk in a procedure he called toesy - woesy. He then pulled you all the way back down - the kneesy weesy.
A very foxy french teacher once made us put out heads in our desks for an entire lunchtime with the desk lid resting on top of our bonces. Not painful, but pretty uncomfortable and boring. Oh and there was our mad music teacher who used an old violin bow on pupils. Nice lot, our teachers!
I had a junior school teacher that loved creeping up behind you and then jab his knuckle into your spine. His favourite though was to slap your bare thigh during PE, usually hard enough to leave a hand print.
Hmmm - I can remember getting hit by a well aimed board duster and on occasion fell foul to the metalwork masters 3ft rule.

I got lots once when I was 10 or so, found by a police patrolman and escorted safely home.

Unfortunately ( in my day) , when my mother opened the door and saw me standing there with a policeman, I got "3 clouts round the ear hole" before she found out what was going on !
corporal punishment was on its way out when I was at school, not that it bothered the teachers much! I wasn't a bad or difficult child but I was a bit cheeky, easily led and didn't have much common sense. The combination led to more than a few smacks here and there. My primary school teachers were all very good with the wooden ruler and the head teacher very skilful with a forked leather belt. Secondary school teachers all had a different punishment which I am sure they practiced for hours on end. Geography teacher was ex army and knew a lot of stress positions, maths teacher was very good at screaming, pulling ears and prodding you in the chest with his bony fingers. History teacher could hit you in the nose with a chalk duster at 50 paces and the PE teacher just used to slap you about, he was also my rugby coach for the local team and good mates with my uncle who was the captain for the 1st XIV. Needless to say if I got in trouble with him it soon got back to my parents! He was actually suspended a couple of times for dealing out more than just the odd slap on the back of the head, I can clearly remember him throwing a medicine ball at my mate in PE, when he tried to lift his hands up to protect himself I heard his fingers snap! Thing is he was a very good teacher, as long as you didn't push his temper. I always took the punishment, it usually meant I had done something well out of order and I can never remember being punished too severely.
My most hated teacher though was a cretin. In 5th year I got into a fight with a guy that had been trying to pick one with me for weeks, turns out he couldn't fight as well as he could talk and he came out second best. Unfortunately for me this particular teacher came outside his classroom just as I was delivering the final couple of punches, it looked to him that it was me acting as the bully as opposed to me defending myself. We were both whisked inside where he proceeded to read the riot act. His words to me were "Think you're a hard man Mr Clark? You're just like your big brother, he was an idiot as well! Well if you think you're big enough how about we step into the store room and we'll see how hard you are?" I can still picture his face when I stood up and made my way to the store, he clearly wasn't expecting me to take him up on his offer and quickly shut the door. I was then reported to the headmaster and given a weeks detention. I left school to start my apprenticeship a few weeks later and later found out my brother had completely ripped the piss out of him for two years. My brother however stood at 6ft and was well built, whereas I was 5ft 4 and an easier target (or so he thought)
joe mcclaine said:
Didn't any of you just consider behaving yourselves?

Yes, but when you're young you don't always try as hard as you should. Please don't tell me you were the perfect child and never done anything wrong, you don't exactly strike me as the kind of person that does what he is told without the bat of an eyelid???
daz said:
joe mcclaine said:
Didn't any of you just consider behaving yourselves?

Yes, but when you're young you don't always try as hard as you should. Please don't tell me you were the perfect child and never done anything wrong, you don't exactly strike me as the kind of person that does what he is told without the bat of an eyelid???

As I posted earlier. Never had any punishment other then lines.

My old man drilled it in to me that I was at school to learn.

Outside of school was a different matter.

As I posted earlier. Never had any punishment other then lines.

My old man drilled it in to me that I was at school to learn.

Outside of school was a different matter.

So you did still do bad things occasionally then? Otherwise you wouldn't be given lines, maybe you were lucky and was at a school that dished out lines instead of a wee smack?

So did mine, if it weren't for him I would not have the job, qualifications and familly that I now have. 3rd generation Afrikaner and the smallest misdemeanor was punished harshly, especially at school!

For me it wasn't.
Were you lucky enough to go to a school that believed lines would sort out all ills and a stern talking to would combat all naughtiness? Wish there were more of them about? Could have saved me a sore arse or two
Charliej said:
Fellonblackdays said:
I don't agree with hitting kids at all. Agree with Smoose. There were people that abused the right to strike kids and were getting a kick out of it, its well known teaching used to harbour child abusers.

Now there's a whole other can of worms, but I bet your parents and grandparents thought their kids were safe with the priest or vicar, that's a job that would harbour child abusers they are there in any jobs, rock stars too, to sully the teaching profession with such an accusation is unbelievable.

I and many many others suffered no lasting harm from corporal punishment at school, and would have also never have complained if it ever happened about a clip round the ear from a copper as you knew there would most likely be worse waiting if you went home and moaned about it. It taught people where boundaries are and that a punishment is supposed to hurt in some way and to be expected when those boundaries were crossed, to this day I would never talk to a police officer the way I hear 13 year old kids doing. I'm sorry but there is a huge difference between corporal punishment and beating someone senseless. Smoose's comment of "I would gladly disobey anyone " is endemic of the "me 1st" generations and a good reason why this country is in the uncaring shitty state it is these days, but you're that puffed up with how much you as an individual matter rather than as a nation or community that you would and could never understand.
It isn't an accusation its fact and well known.

Just because "you" didn't suffer any lasting harm from what is essentially having your human rights being infringed by being struck doesn't mean others should be subjected to it. I bet you don't agree with animals being beaten in a cruel manner to do tricks. Its essentially what caning people is, there are many people who were subjected to said punishment just because they didn't write with their right hand. "Puffed with how much as I matter as an individual. No not really, just a guy that see's past the whole Daily Mail side of things.
In primary school I received the slipper and the cane from a Mr Lemon, the kids that started that chain of events got off Scott free, so if your reading this you old cunt my intention is to put a 9 in your spam, and since your probably already dead, I'll just piss on your grave.......if I can find you!

Secondary school just lines, I was a steward so had to behave :angel:
Fellonblackdays said:
Charliej said:
Fellonblackdays said:
I don't agree with hitting kids at all. Agree with Smoose. There were people that abused the right to strike kids and were getting a kick out of it, its well known teaching used to harbour child abusers.

Now there's a whole other can of worms, but I bet your parents and grandparents thought their kids were safe with the priest or vicar, that's a job that would harbour child abusers they are there in any jobs, rock stars too, to sully the teaching profession with such an accusation is unbelievable.

I and many many others suffered no lasting harm from corporal punishment at school, and would have also never have complained if it ever happened about a clip round the ear from a copper as you knew there would most likely be worse waiting if you went home and moaned about it. It taught people where boundaries are and that a punishment is supposed to hurt in some way and to be expected when those boundaries were crossed, to this day I would never talk to a police officer the way I hear 13 year old kids doing. I'm sorry but there is a huge difference between corporal punishment and beating someone senseless. Smoose's comment of "I would gladly disobey anyone " is endemic of the "me 1st" generations and a good reason why this country is in the uncaring shitty state it is these days, but you're that puffed up with how much you as an individual matter rather than as a nation or community that you would and could never understand.
It isn't an accusation its fact and well known.

Just because "you" didn't suffer any lasting harm from what is essentially having your human rights being infringed by being struck doesn't mean others should be subjected to it. I bet you don't agree with animals being beaten in a cruel manner to do tricks. Its essentially what caning people is, there are many people who were subjected to said punishment just because they didn't write with their right hand. "Puffed with how much as I matter as an individual. No not really, just a guy that see's past the whole Daily Mail side of things.

I'm a very very long way from being a Daily Mail reader so don't make assumptions, I just believe it's simple if you break the rules you get punished, that punishment should fit the infraction and actually punish it. I made no mention of the generation that got punished for being left handed as that was blatantly wrong, if, however, you knowingly choose to break the rules of whatever community you are part of then you should expect to be punished, and that doesn't mean go and stand on the naughty step, a punishment should be punitive. As for having my human rights abused I sure as hell don't see it that way, that's the type of attitude that doesn't let any of society's disciplinary issues and lack of respect get sorted out. It's an absolute fact that young people behave in a far worse way than ever before, and believe that they are entitled to do whatever they want, which usually involves "infringing" someone else's human rights.

"Harbouring" child abusers implies that the teaching profession actively hid and protected the "abuser" from any inquiry or police investigation and to even make that accusation marks you out as either a daily mail or sun reader, "harbouring" child abusers is what the church has done in covering up any of these activities. My mother and her sister were involved in education one as a teacher and then schools inspector, the other as a university lecturer teaching teachers and from the things they used to say anyone suspected of abuse was reported and suspended subject to inquiries and police investigation. Perhaps you believe that criminals should just be given a good telling off and told not to do it again, after all sending them to jail would be infringing their human rights.
daz said:
Were you lucky enough to go to a school that believed lines would sort out all ills and a stern talking to would combat all naughtiness? Wish there were more of them about? Could have saved me a sore arse or two

Far from it.

My primary school headmaster still used a slipper, and during the 5 years I was in secondary school a number of teachers were sacked because they went OTT.

The incidents I witnessed were when one PE teacher punched the school bully, square in the face during a rugby match and another was sacked because he re-enacted 'that' shower scene from Kes.
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