Punishments at school

antdad said:
Most notably slippered for beating up Philip Wright the son of a policeman for picking on an black mate, just like the old man.

Occasional line writing detentions where the only highlight was seeing how many pens you could hold (taped or glued together) while trying to write several lines simultaneously. There was even a mystical "seven penner" for hire that allowed an A4 sheet of lines to be knocked off in three minutes.

That old "seven penner" trick! Most I could hold was 3, more than that my handwriting got so untidy I would be told to do the lines again!!
Just the normal stuff such as a good old thrashing with an array of fine bamboo canes, always 6 of the best, the wait was often worse than the cane, but boy did they half use some brute force always left you hopping around the office with big marks on your hands, I always found it funny when we had a half a dozen lined up and when of the pansy boys would start crying and the rest of us would start to giggle and the head master would totally lose it, in the crazy world in which we live in today we would have had the place crawling with social workers and police, then in 20 years time all the ex pupils could make a claim for the mental torture they endured.
The usual cane, slipper, Metal ruler off the metalwork teacher, lines etc in senior school but hows this for cruelty?

Standing in the corner on tiptoes, hands in the air as near too but not allowed to touch the wall. A stress position which is hard enough for an adult but this came from a female teacher in primary school.
I remember being yanked out of my chair and smacked by the headmaster one lunchtime as a 7-year old. It was because I was playing 'slaps' with a friend (where you have to try and slap each other's hands). I didn't see him coming and as a result, my full bladder decided to give way. That was an uncomfortable afternoon.
That was near the end of the corporal punishment era. After that, 'Litter duty' at lunchtime and break time was the norm for punishment. It became an artform hunting down empty crisp bags on a windy day!
Most severe physical punishment I recall was being 6 strokes of the tawse on one hand for some classroom misdemeanour followed by a further 6 strokes on the other hand because the back of my head looked impertinent as I walked back to my seat. At the time it seemed a wee tad harsh to a 13yr old boy, however was fairly typical "correction" from Ms Cockburn at Jordanhill in the 1950s.
The other classic non physical treatment was to have to write out Psalm 119 several times over a weekend. That was bad enough, but I did on occasion get strapped on handing the lines in for "untidy handwriting".

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
Was never really punished at school. The only time I was was because a friend and I emulated Jurgen Klinsmann's famous celebration across the finish line during the schools cross country competition. I'm not sure why it was received so badly to be honest, but it only wound up with a lunch time detention, which was to be spent with the other PE teacher at the school (not the one to give out the punishment) who thought it was ridiculous, and let us both go.
Lines, Essays, Chivies (work/excersise during break time), lifted by the ear, whacked about the head and corporal..

My nemesis at school, a t.. hang on.. there will be abusive and fowl language use here, best stop reading if easily offended.

My nemesis at school, a twat who 'taught' music and french had a huge selection of beating instruments, from soles from various item of shoe's to wooden instruments, rulers, paddles, canes.. you name it, he had it. His favourite way to punish you, which he'd do on a whim, was to give you a chivy just before you had a lesson with him. You'd turn up at the teachers common room, knock, ask for him. He'd come to you, tell you to change into your gym kit and get back in two minutes (a tricky enough task) then you'd be made to run up and down the school grounds (on a hill so not easy) until 5 minutes before lessons began again at which point you report back to him.. he takes a couple of minutes to come to you to say your chivy was over and go change, which you'd do. But at this point there's no way in hell you can make it to your next lesson, which is with the twat, so when you turn up late and get 6 of the best for being late. He was a very sadistic and nasty cunt of a man. Completely crap as teacher too. If I had my time again I'd happily pick up a board rubber and smash it into his face or do him with a cricket bat (he taught cricket too). Wanker.
As well as the usual cane, blackboard eraser, slipper and enforced exercise a couple of my teachers used stress positions as punishment. Forgot about them 'till I saw a documentary on the war in Iraq!
We had the usual corporal punishment stuff at primary school, cane from the head if you had really screwed up, old fashioned plimsoll to the arse from the deputy head/pe teacher as well as the clips around the ear or ruler on the hand for minor misdemeanours.

The stakes all changed at my 1st secondary school, only heads of year,heads of department, deputy head and headmaster were allowed to use the cane, but throwing board dusters, ;large bunches of keys etc was fairly normal, the evil sadist sob of the lower school was a little man with the little man chip on his shoulder would take a run up with a small jump for each stroke of the cane, which on once occasion bruised my arse cheeks that badly it had my mother up at the school playing merry hell.

Then in my 2nd year there came the biggest wanker of them all a biology teacher named Alan Feather B.Ed who when hearing this pronounced as school kids would do lost his rag severely and handed out detentions and lines left right and centre. Just before the end of year exams that year when he was our science teacher I fell at the weekend and broke my right hand quite badly and it had to be set with my wrist angled backwards which made holding any writing implement all but impossible, every other teacher bar this arsehole marked my end of year result on my years work, he made me sit the exam, then marked me down for for bad handwriting and untidy presentation, this was enough to get my father up to the school all the way from Derbyshire where he lived with my stepmother, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that.

Shortly after this I had an altercation with my stepfather and ended up moving to live back in Derbyshire, where it was decided that as I was an extremely bright child the local state high school wasn't good enough and I was sent to a well known public school as a day pupil, man was I in for a shock there, I think some of the teachers there could have give the Catholic churches inquisition lessons. There the ultimate in corporal punishment was to caned by the Headmaster at a whole school assembly which was called for this express purpose. An old style school desk would be placed in the centre of the stage in the assembly hall, the teachers sat in an arc behind this desk, the Head at the lectern and the offender would be frogmarched in held by the ear, by his house master, made to lower his trousers and bend over the desk where he was then given a sound thrashing by the Head in front of the entire school. Luckily I never f***ed up that badly , but there were oft heard tales of blood having been drawn at these occasions.

Looking back I think, did any of this do me any lasting damage? the answer being no and did it make me think twice about some misdemeanours, well yes and no I got easily bored in school as I found it very very easy so I'd complete my work and then mess around, but as for anything like some of todays kids get up to at school it absolutely did make me not go there.
Funny reading some of these stories, especially regarding corporal punishment.

I guess I'm around the same age as some of you (40) and yet where I grew up (the people's republic of South Yorkshire) corporal punishment wasn't used for quite a long time (at least early 80s).

Mind you, there were some kids who could have done with a damn good thrashing!
... same age, Tall Paul (I'm tall, too ... and named Paul) but up here in the People's Republic of West Yorkshire (affiliated to the Common and Noble Republic of Yorkshire), I found myself in the Public School system (read: private) by virtue of a scholarship gained from ranking first in the entrance exams.

Looking back, I don't recall corporal punishment in the State system (although supplies of breaktime milk dried up somehow) prior nor tales of such from my sister who was State educated. It might be interesting to understand how many of these stories are from Public or State schooling.
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