Punishments at school

Stress positions, now that rings a bell, although I never thought of it as such until now, having read some of the posts above. My mother died soon after I was four, and in the aftermath, myself and my sister (about 2 3/4 years older) were sent to boarding school in Wicklow for a while - Dominican nuns. I can't remember seeing or experiencing any corporal punishment from the nuns, though they were strict enough that you were a bit scared of them. But it was the older girls who were the problem They would come around in what felt like the middle of the night to me (probably 10pm!), shine a torch in your face until you woke up, and then tell you that you were going to be punished for being awake after lights out. They would make you stand with your arms straight out horizontal to the floor. I can still remember being surprised at how quickly this apparently simple task could become painful, especially when being made to try to keep it up after that point.
I bet some of them still have a twinge of pain at those memories; and put equal bets on some of them having gone on to bigger and badder stuff.
I guess those are still the days, kids being kids - keep 'em close.
in order at my grammar school

lines were very infrequent

blackboard rubber
strap (headmasters pleasure only)

i know i was that boy
I'm 47 and also from the Yorkshire Free States, North and West Ridings. My junior schools were both state and had caning and rulers across the hands, I went to private for secondary and that was just caning.
I remember the first time I saw someone being caned was Junior School in West Yorks. The Head came to the class and caned a lad in front of us all; it was some years before I graduated to being caned and at least that was in private.
I am 42 and from The Peoples Republic of Yorkshire (West Riding)

I definitely remember the Black Plimsole wielded by Mrs Docker or Mrs Bond. One had half moon glasses and both had smacked my parents when they were at school!

All punishments administered in morning Assembly with an evening to think about what was coming.

Memory fails me, but in the back of my mind, it may have been bare arsed for that added humiliation.........

Defo had stress positions in class, arms out, palms down with a book on each hand.......

Happy days :)
Although this thread is about school, it's made me think about the whole issue of how to control kids, especially when they're too young to understand much of what you say. I will admit that when I saw a wet toddler finger heading rapidly in the direction of an electric socket, I would give a swift smack on the back of the hand, then follow up with detailed explanation. The smack wasn't so much a 'decision to punish' as a reflex reaction to stop wet finger going into electric socket. For better or for worse, I hope my daughter now knows instinctively not to put any sort of finger into an electric socket.
I think the thing about 'corporal punishment' isn't so much about the fact of it, but the intention. If the intention is right and loving, it won't be excessive. And before anyone tells me I don't know what I'm talking about....PM me if you really want to go there.
Not sure why I just said that, but I did.
The "Board of Education". A piece of timber cut in the shape and rough size of a cricket bat used by a Woodwork teacher to hit us across the rear end as an alternative to the belt.

The"red Hand Gang" A full hand slap across the bare back from a PE teacher again as alternative to the belt.

It was just accepted that you deserved it, took your punishment and moved on. [/u]
my chemistry teacher told me he wanted an essay on a topic we hadn't covered - i thought i would show him who was boss and did a shit load of research for it - it was a work of art! took me hours to do!
imagine my horror when he took it straight from my hand to the bin without reading a word. Gutted - lesson learnt
My dad's older brother was once caned in front of the whole school for something or other.

My uncle bumped into the teacher who had caned him a couple of years later in a pub. My uncle was about 20, the teacher was about 40.

It was not pretty, according to my owd man.

The most I ever got was "lines".

Thank the Gods.

Piece of cake.
After being slippered for fighting I also lost my prefect privileges, fcuk me I'd kissed some serious teacher butt to get my badge and now I had to go play outside in the cold with all the other plebs. It was like being a rozzer inside except outside if you get my meaning.
Apart from one teacher who had a tendency to throw the obligatory chalk rubber at your head for talking I did manage to get lines in my first week of senior school

"Running around the sports lock screaming and shouting is not the sort if behaviour for first year pupils at Orleans Park School" - 100 times

Must have worked cause i still remember the bloody sentence, made worse because my science teacher tore up my first attempt when I was 50 lines in

As a fifth former I also got asked by the Deputy Head, in a very dry tone, " mr Shelley, what exactly is the tunnel of death"
I'm modern high school was started 2000 but this sort of stuff is teaching kids it's ok to cause pain to others. I was a git on school but kids are kids every gen is same school
smoose89 said:
I'm modern high school was started 2000 but this sort of stuff is teaching kids it's ok to cause pain to others. I was a git on school but kids are kids every gen is same school

It's this sort of bollocks and line of thinking that got it all stopped and we now have the worst behaved and band mannered school kids ever. It doesn't teach people that causing pain is ok, it teaches people that breaking the rules or hurting others has a consequence, it's meant to be a punishment and by definition punishments aren't supposed to be pleasant or easy , they are supposed to cause you anguish of some sort or other and to teach you not to do it again.
But it's the parents that lacked the disciplin I would punish my kid if I had 1 at the slightest but I dont think hitting them is the way why stop at caning why not beat em senless till there bleedingi never was once hit by a teacher but was taught right n wrong by my mum and I would never want to disappoint her but I would gladly disobey anyone. Yet i didn't harmed anyone. And I'm sure crime existed before it was stopped so was it helpful
I don't agree with hitting kids at all. Agree with Smoose. There were people that abused the right to strike kids and were getting a kick out of it, its well known teaching used to harbour child abusers.
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