Pipe Smokers

Dr Rick said:
IanM said:
I like the idea of smoking one. It strikes me as being rather meditative.

That was what I thought until I was out this afternoon trying to get the bastard lit for the first time while the wind enjoyed blowing out my matches.

I did enjoy it once I got it going, much as I would a cigar, but how much of that was satisfaction at having finally got it going is hard to say...

What's up Rick,

If you just wanna play around with a pipe that's fine. I imagine you have a corn cob variety and it's fun looking like Popeye in the mirror as you puff away. Toot Toot!

There's a crapload of stuff to know about pipes and how to start smoking one, but it takes some time and motivation to do it right. Kinda like shaving....you just don't walk right into it.

Some things that will make a difference is the pipe itself and how it's broken in, the tobacco used, the way it's packed, lit, and tamped down.... all those things need to be right. Heh, nice eh? Then you gotta clean em and let em rest sometimes.

There's some kinda site called www.pipedia.org or something like that. Great info on everything about pipes to get started.

Your enabling buddy,

No, it's a (cheap) briar. I've never seen a corncob pipe over here, though I'm sure they can be found.

I've been reading up on it, I did a fair bit of research before buying it :).
Dr Rick said:
No, it's a (cheap) briar. I've never seen a corncob pipe over here, though I'm sure they can be found.

I've been reading up on it, I did a fair bit of research before buying it :).

Good deal Doc,

I'm glad you approached it the right way to give yourself the best chance of success.

As you probably read about, the corncob is actually a nice type to use. No break in needed and it's an inexpensive alternative if need be. Matter of fact, there's some people who make custom tips for the store bought ones. I'm talking about a brand like US made Missouri Meerschaum for around $10 often found at local Illinois tobacco shops, and not the Chinese versions.

I hope you find this latest rabbit hole amusing,

andyjreid said:
Any pipe smokers here at TSR?

I know it may seem strange but I've been smoking a pipe for a while and was wondering if anyone else here does it?

New member and avid pipe smoker here. My father in law recently gave me his collection of 6 so I now have 1 for each day of the week....weeks have never been so good.

My favourite tobacco's include Grasmere Flake, Rattrays Terry Red and Kendal Menthol and Mint. But I love trying new things. I even flavour my own sometimes(with mixed results).
newageshaver said:
andyjreid said:
Any pipe smokers here at TSR?

I know it may seem strange but I've been smoking a pipe for a while and was wondering if anyone else here does it?

New member and avid pipe smoker here. My father in law recently gave me his collection of 6 so I now have 1 for each day of the week....weeks have never been so good.

My favourite tobacco's include Grasmere Flake, Rattrays Terry Red and Kendal Menthol and Mint. But I love trying new things. I even flavour my own sometimes (with mixed results).

Far Out Man

cheers Danny
Sorry chaps - late again!

Pipe smoker here - Milville and Dunhill.
Tobaccos rotate - sometimes only a full English/Latakia will do, and a week or so later it simply must be some sublime Lakeland aromatic - and then back to some sane ordinary Virginia flake.
Is'nt life exciting!

At work I take snuff.
hoodlight said:
I like a nice cuban cigar - pipes look like too much faffing about, plus I don't like the idea of inhaling the smoke

On the subject of Cuban cigars. We went to San Diego a three years ago. We stopped off in Heathrow duty free and purchased some Cuban cigars, bear in mind they check your passport to see where your going. Any way we get to San Diego and gave some of the cigars to our friend. He looked at them and said " ahhhh how did you get these" ? Of course we didn't realise they were a banned product , due to them coming from Cuba. We had been through two sets of incoming and out going security checks within the USA and not got caught.

Really nice cigars our friend was pleased, he also enjoyed telling people about his smuggling English friends.
I have just eaten a couple of dried figs. They taste EXACTLY the same as Dunhill Royal Yacht smells in the tin.

I've read reviews saying it has a 'plummy' topping but its deffinitely figs.
Dont smoke myself, cannot stand the smell of cigarette smoke, but love the smell of Cigar & pipe smoke, I can see myself with a large Cuban cigar actually, especaially on a warm summer evening drinking a few whiskeys sitting by my own lake while doing a spot of fishing, now that's what I call chillin' out.

Dr Rick said:
No, it's a (cheap) briar. I've never seen a corncob pipe over here, though I'm sure they can be found.

I've been reading up on it, I did a fair bit of research before buying it :).
My Smoking Shop in Preston (he has a mail order website) has quite a selection and they are inexpensive.

Anyway - would anyone like to try some vanilla pipe tobacco, Im not getting on with it to be honest its nearly a full 25gm pack its only had a couple of pipes worth out of it.
Let me know an i'll send it on to the first PM.
Dr Rick said:
No burned mouth and only a dozen matches - I am gradually improving...

Probably because the packet had been opened for a few days and the tobacco had a chance to air - aromatics are notoriously damp when new and a pain to light.
This can lead to a hot smoke and a pipe-full of drool.
This particularly applies to most of my favorite Samuel Gawith tobaccos - I usually air them in a jar for a few days before smoking - perfect! :sleepy:
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