Closed Passaround : Sam Seong 'kamisori' COMPLETE

Saturday August 2, 2014
Picked up this Sam Seong non folding razor and offering it to the generous people of TSR for a passaround.

It takes Feather / Kai / Kamisori and the like style blades but unlike the Feather and Kai razors it has a slide to hold the blade securely into position.

The handle is grippy and covered in rubber that should offer excellent grip when hands are wet.

So who wants a go?

Obvious passaround rules, don't hog it, makes sure its cleaned before being sent and of course if you lose it, you pay for it.

I'll include a box of Proguard blades to get the party started.

Names below:



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Arrived today. Ill give it a whirl tomorrow morning i think. Especially as all my straights are in need of a hone :)

How did you find it compared to the traditional straights with scales?

I think I find the non folding easier to shave with, maybe not as fluid and as natural to hold but just as quick and efficient.
It is lovely to shave with, it obviously doesnt feel as solid or well put together as the feather but you dont notice it once the blade is in and tight.

Shave wise it is a pleasure to use, the handle gives a much more positive grip giving an added level of confidence. I would actually suggest that this would be a better Razor to learn to straight shave with than a straight. Im going to give it a whirl on my head this morning and see how it goes. I think it will be a good shave.
Well im not sure whether it was the fact my hair was so long (2 weeks growth) or if i was just clumsy by i had a fair amount of razor burn, no nicks but loads of blotchy red bits. Smooth as a babies bottom but i think ill stick to a de for the moment on my head.

I've never shaved my head so wouldn't know about the sensitivity of the skin but sounds odd?

Plenty of cream and a rest sounds the best option for the noggin.
Fair do.

It's easy to say when able to shave with one, but they are not as scary or hard to use as any other shaving implement. I used a folding straight today and it felt odd after many a shave recently with a non folding one. It's all about habit and muscle memory and of course a very gentle sweeping touch.
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