Mitchell's Wool Fat - Why?

Arrowhead said:
Yes, it doesn't seem to like bowls at all. Thick, creamy and fluffy are no problem at all in my experience, sorry Mikael :twisted:

Why, you ... :evil: :lol: It could be me though, it seems to go all wet and slobby if I try and add more water when I face lather :? Maybe I should be more patient and keep on whipping until it thickens more?
N_Architect said:
Mikael, why don't you try one more time making sure the puck is soft/wet, load a lightly damp brush a bit, then face lather, adding water sparingly.

I´ll try that next time, tomorrow is High Mountain time though and I´ll bowl lather one of Sharons soaps. Thanks for the tip!
It does lather fairly easily for me, soft water area. It does require a bit more ' work' on the face though. Perhaps the extra work required is it's secret. Extra lathering = softer beard and a better shave.

My first experience with MWF this morning. Followed Mantic's video (though I used my NF super badger) and had no particular difficulty getting a decent face lather. Did take some time, though.
Update: I'm not great at this face lathering malarkey, but I have had reasonable success using bowl lathering. Trick seems to be to load the brush for about two or even three times as long as for other soaps, and a slight change of technique needed towards the end of the bowl lathering process. Hurrah.
I love this stuff! It's my best lather choice so far - mind you I've only tried 3.
Smells great, not drying at all and lubricates well. Takes a bit to lather up in hard water, like I have.
I'm gonna try using the water out of my water filter next time and see if that makes a difference...

I also "found" Mitchell's Wool Fat hand and body lotion, It's a think cream in a pump bottle, I've been using it as a balm for after a shave, and it's fantastic!
Interestingly, I've tried a number of different methods this week; following Mantic's instructions, using a wet brush and bowl lathering and not had any trouble with either.

I don't know what all the fuss is about. :?
I read about this stuff and stayed off it for some time. The other day I gave in temptation (I am good at that) and ordered one. I watched Mantic's video on it a couple of times to get ready and this morning I was off.

And it really is not that difficult. Maybe Mantic had already done the hard work for me (why upside down?) but I found it very simple, very easy and very luxurious. So if you havent tried it yet, dont be put off. Its luverly.
Indeed it's fantastic stuff, you just know when you hit the sweet spot with mwf, just lots of creamy lather.

I have no bother bowl lathering with it at all.

Having a brush with plenty of backbone works wonders.