Mental Health Awareness

No I'm not asthmatic.
Although I can get asthma like symptoms if exposed to black mold.
Reactions: saj
That's good that you don't have asthma
Hahahaha, Thanks mate, I shall tell myself that everyday I am truly blessed

Edit: I know someone with severe asthma and it is very debilitating and she has to take steroids when it's ready bad and has been admitted to hospital twice because she was having extreme trouble in breathing, so I am thankful that asthma is not one of my problems.

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My mental health and mood has been relatively low lately. I think the stress of being in a 0 hour contract is catching up to me again (Ive not really had any work since start of January). Its not just the financial insecurity that I find stressful but all the psychosocial aspects of it too. Finding it hard to get the motivation to do anything, even leaving the house.
I hear you.
It can't be easy, these 0 hour contact's are becoming the norm in some work sector's.
Have you got any friends at work who will be in the same situation as you, if you have then maybe you could ask how they cope .

Locking yourself away inside is something I can identify with, some days it seems almost too much just to get out of bed but then I think about all the time we were all in lockdown and forced to stay inside so when the weather is fine I will force myself out if only for half an hour and it's surprising how much better I feel even if I've just sat on a bench in the park listening to the birds and watching the squirrel's running around.
It's the small things in life that can bring some sunshine into our lives .
Give it a go, give it a chance.


No..unfortunately I am the only one within the department who does what I do (there was suppose to be others but they didnt stick it out for the years Ive been in the role). I find this role very isolating too and feel I often fly under everyones radar (people only communicate to me when they need something). Everyone else in my team works full time, so its not something anyone else can relate to.
I am looking for a new job...Ive been in contact with the school agency I use to work for last year and might go back.

I need to try and get outdoors..I live on the edge of the Peak District so I should make the most of it. The hardest part is getting out the door though
Well I wish you well in looking for a job that you may enjoy more .
I know that just getting through the door is the hardest part but it's really worth the effort and especially where you live, just give it a go, and I'm sure you will come back feeling better for doing it.

Best wishes,

Can you not leverage the fact that you are the only one that does what you do to push at least for full time work. ie 40 hours a week.
What would happen if you said bugger this I'm off. If it had a hit on production/output you have the upper hand.
Don't think for a minute that if said company can make money without you they would keep you on.
You have the right to sell your skills for as much as you can. As companies can push pay as low as they can.
Best wishes and fuck whoever is making you feel crap.
It's especially gutting given that you've just passed your course of study. Does this give you leverage at all (either because they sponsored it and want to make use of it, or because it makes you more employable elsewhere?)

Zero hours sucks, yet again those who can least afford it forced into sponsoring the filthy rich. I was freelance for years so I know the score but the combination of Rishi's war on flexible workers and corporate malfeasance made me take the permy pill and my life has been even more stressful since, but at least I know what will be in my pay packet each month. As for the demotivation and lethargy I fully sympathise. Hope things improve Karl.

Well I work for the local authority as a fostering support worker, working with Looked After Children (foster kids). I have prevented fostering placements from breaking down in the past and my support has always had benefits (not that the team ever let me know of this). I am currently training as a play therapist, in which my local authority fostering team dont have but greatly need. Despite that after 3 years, I am still on a 0 hour , temporary contract. If I left, foster carers wouldnt get the sort of support I have given them in the past, which would lead to breakdowns and then children moving from home to home.

My work have not sponsored me in either my MSc degree, nor for my play therapy training...all out my own pocket. Might give me leverage in my own team but the higher ups dont care (joys of working for a conservative government). The job search continues although I am thinking of furthering my studies
Yep getting out of the door is the hardest part. I know the feeling well. I used to go cycling a lot more than I do now. Partly because I'm generally Jiggered by the end of the day/week and so the thought of getting on the bike vs sitting on the couch more likely will result in the latter winning out.
However I really miss the way a 15 mile ride gives me the chance to get some headspace. So I'm currently getting stressed very quickly and then releasing In bursts that I feel I should be controlling more... don't worry guys it's generally just me throwing my Teddy out of the pram verbaly. No violence or fisticuffs.
But I too feel I need to get out more.

Do you have a hobby like cycling/jogging you could use to get you out?
I don't honestly believe the higher ups would care even if Starmer was in, its the nature of all bosses to see how little they can get away with paying. I admire your concern for the kids and reluctance to push, but you have to make it (or something else) work for you, it's not sustainable. I don't have any answers unfortunately, I'm mid 50s and want to do something different but it's easier said than done trying to change careers unless you know someone.