Mental Health Awareness

Yea I tried that chamomile tea but hasn't done anything for me

Been drinking date seed coffee which I love btw lol

Thing is I have an issue not just falling asleep but staying asleep and the insomnia is getting worse and worse

Bro, you need to see the doctor about your sleep. IMO, the type of insomnia where you can't stay asleep is different to the one where it's a struggle to fall asleep.

Aside from caffeine, I'd say to those with insomnia issues to keep an eye out for how much sugar you consume.
I no longer drink alcohol, but with sugary drinks, it's ingesting a huge amount of sugar that will be converted to energy at sometime later. I've been sleeping a lot better since cutting most sugar out of my diet.
Bro, you need to see the doctor about your sleep. IMO, the type of insomnia where you can't stay asleep is different to the one where it's a struggle to fall asleep.

Aside from caffeine, I'd say to those with insomnia issues to keep an eye out for how much sugar you consume.
I no longer drink alcohol, but with sugary drinks, it's ingesting a huge amount of sugar that will be converted to energy at sometime later. I've been sleeping a lot better since cutting most sugar out of my diet.
Yea I have been, hence sleeping tablets use on and off

Yea I got a bit of a weak spot for fizzy drinks and sweet stuff in general can't lie lol

Did stoping the alcohol help with your sleep too?
Yea I have been, hence sleeping tablets use on and off

Yea I got a bit of a weak spot for fizzy drinks and sweet stuff in general can't lie lol

Did stoping the alcohol help with your sleep too?

Oh yeah. Massively.

When I used to drink, I'd get something called the 'beer alarm'. After having a few drinks in the evening, I'd crash out that'd be down to the sedative impact of the alcohol itself. Then about 4am or so, I'd wake up with the sweats. My body would convert all the sugar from the alcohol into energy and literally force myself awake.

I've had some health issues post Covid, that have involved messing up my acid reflux, so I can't eat much right now, including sugar/sweet things. Since cutting them I realized how much impact they'd have.

I miss sugar and sweet things massively, but my body would struggle to process it. All of our body types are different though.

Literally the first thing I came off the search engine about sugar & sleep.
The other thing with alcohol is that, even if you sleep through the night, it disrupts the quality of sleep in terms of getting healthy amounts of each stage in your sleeping cycles.
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Oh yeah. Massively.

When I used to drink, I'd get something called the 'beer alarm'. After having a few drinks in the evening, I'd crash out that'd be down to the sedative impact of the alcohol itself. Then about 4am or so, I'd wake up with the sweats. My body would convert all the sugar from the alcohol into energy and literally force myself awake.

I've had some health issues post Covid, that have involved messing up my acid reflux, so I can't eat much right now, including sugar/sweet things. Since cutting them I realized how much impact they'd have.

I miss sugar and sweet things massively, but my body would struggle to process it. All of our body types are different though.

Literally the first thing I came off the search engine about sugar & sleep.
yea like most substances an drugs, you crash and thats when you feel worse then even prior the intially taking the substance/drugs

thats the thing with some of temporary buzzes, it helps whilst you in that moment having fun or trying to forget about your worries or whatever reason youre having it but like you say when you crash you feel like sh*t
My mum was having terrible issues with tiredness and crashing during the day. Went on for years.
Finally she was fitted with apparatus which measures your breathing and how often you wake during the night and found out during the testing period she awoke 40 times in the night. Not every one of those she would have noticed as they are momentary wakefulness then back to sleep and will be forgotten by the morning.
She's been diagnosed with COPD and has to wear a breathing mask at night, but it gives her much more energy throughout the day and she now has a semi-normal life for a sixty year old.
She's not especially overweight so it's worth investigating the sleep apnoea route if you can, if only to rule it out early on. It wasn't an obvious diagnosis, for her, for any of us
My mum was having terrible issues with tiredness and crashing during the day. Went on for years.
Finally she was fitted with apparatus which measures your breathing and how often you wake during the night and found out during the testing period she awoke 40 times in the night. Not every one of those she would have noticed as they are momentary wakefulness then back to sleep and will be forgotten by the morning.
She's been diagnosed with COPD and has to wear a breathing mask at night, but it gives her much more energy throughout the day and she now has a semi-normal life for a sixty year old.
She's not especially overweight so it's worth investigating the sleep apnoea route if you can, if only to rule it out early on. It wasn't an obvious diagnosis, for her, for any of us
sorry to hear that mate, is that like asthma or more like sleep apnea?
I might have a read of that myself. Sleep is my bit problem, the inability to stay asleep rather than being unable to go to sleep in the first place. It's caused by full body pain and also my GFs bl**dy handbag dog!! It gets a pass from her on pretty much everything because its blind and very old. I seem to be 2nd...
Lack of sleep makes coping with everything else so much worse. I'm also trying to cut down on coffee a bit, and drink valerian and passion flower tea at night. Good luck Saj, I know it's not easy.
Yea chronic pain is a b**ch,
It's feels frustrating as it feels like the illness side effects are trying to be managed as opposed to curing the ailment instead
There are so many things to consider and to try. One of the things Matt Walker said in a podcast I listened to years ago was how long the half-life of caffeine is. It stays in the body for many hours, so I have stopped drinking it any later than early afternoon. Full body pain must be a huge spanner in the works, particularly in relation to sleep.
Never heard of him will check it out thanks
I have sleep apnoea and I can wake up the next morning feeling like I've had no sleep at all!

@Blademonkey Ive got bad asthma as it is and I was given a device to pop on my finger whilst sleeping and connected it to a app on my phone, it was temperamental I've still got the device but the Dr said it isn't reading it properly for some reason so waiting on more tests

Do you ever wake up gasping for air?
Like you're out of breathe from a marathon but you've been just sleeping lol
@Blademonkey Ive got bad asthma as it is and I was given a device to pop on my finger whilst sleeping and connected it to a app on my phone, it was temperamental I've still got the device but the Dr said it isn't reading it properly for some reason so waiting on more tests

Do you ever wake up gasping for air?
Like you're out of breathe from a marathon but you've been just sleeping lol
I wake up gasping for air, I stop breathing for about 30-45 seconds and then my body wakes me up and lets me know it's a good idea to breathe!

This happens throughout the night, this is why I feel so tired and mildly confused when I wake, it's due to hypoxia (lack of oxygen reaching the brain)

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I wake up gasping for air, I stop breathing for about 30-45 seconds and then my body wakes me up and lets me know it's a good idea to breathe!

Sorry to hear that mate

Are you asthmatic too? If you don't mind me asking

I even saw a clip of Joe Rogan podcast where he said hr was on a flight and this guy fell asleep next to him and he was gasping for air, when he woke up he was like tell your Dr you might have sleep apnea
Sorry to hear that mate

Are you asthmatic too? If you don't mind me asking

I even saw a clip of Joe Rogan podcast where he said hr was on a flight and this guy fell asleep next to him and he was gasping for air, when he woke up he was like tell your Dr you might have sleep apnea
I knew I had sleep apnoea but the nurses didn't, after I had my appendix taken out and I was in the recovery room I stopped breathing and caused quite a panic!
The nurse said you have sleep apnoea !

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