May 2021 Acquisitions

Good call, if you want a better description I have no doubt someone else with a better nose than myself will pick it up in short order. I'll give it a run out in the morning and see how it holds up and I may be able to give a better description once actually used, better yet I'll just ask the Mrs, she's better at picking up subtleties that I just don't get.
Yes sometimes a scent can smell very different from the tub or bottle than it does in use..can smell different on different skin too, does sound nice though !

couple of samples have arrived - pb spitfire from @merchant_seaman - thank you Garry!
On this one I definitely pick up smoke and leather - but the leather that’s been specifically treated. Not sure how to describe it but this scent is kinda familiar to me. Maybe some leather jacket or sofa at my grandparents when I was a kid?

And another sample of ? By declaration grooming , plus 5 Aeterna blades. The scent on this soap partially incorporates the mango and cinnamon kind - that’s what my nose picks up through the bag. Now that I think it resembles the deadseashave kraken- just with a sweeter notes

Never even seen those blades before - will be interesting experience to try!
My Excalibur (AKA Yaqi AC AKA Yaqi Raster V2) arrived ...

So, I have the polished head and this matte full razor.
There was a comment from @mpf9ret in the SOTD posts that his also arrived today and that he believes this is a V1.

Looking again at mine, I can see the tab is a little skewed. It doesn't actually affect the orientation of the blade which sits on the baseplate squarely and when the top cap is dropped through remains lined up with the front comb. I hope the other folks who also bought the last few from this seller are also happy with theirs. @PaulL @mpf9ret ... anyone else?

Either way, nice to have the other one (matte chrome) ... and I suppose nice to have a usable V1 as well.

Do we think it's possible that this razor was designed as a leg shaver? Those indents in the handle are kinda perfect for gripping and dragging the razor with the head trailing rather than with the razor held with the head upright as we do when face shaving.
I find that I use the flutes when going AGT and also around the neck.
Should have said man, could've had a rummage around the lab at work for one of those things, to be fair the stuff we order in is probably from China anyway, handy things to have.
Was only a few quid delivered don’t know how they do it in China it would cost us more for delivery ! My Tattoo artist uses one for his green soap liquid so got the idea from him really thought it would make it easier to control than pouring it out of a bottle which is what I have been doing. Thanks mate