How often do you shave?


Sorry I can't comment about DE's as I've never used them much less SE ( but been meaning to ). Anyway I used to shave every 3-4 days but I figured I had to do something about that and cut it down. As such I stopped doing ATG and I just shave every 2 days or every other day depending on how you look at it. Sorry I use straights.
I used to shave every second or third day with a Sensor. So far since starting DE shaving I've been doing it daily and I've only missed one day, and that was due to a lack of time rather than needing to give it a miss. One thing I really like about DE shaving is that you can control how much stubble to remove, my cartridge used to irritate me no end so I couldn't do it every day, whereas if I get irritated with a DE I'll just have a light shave the next day and all's right with the world.
Chibouk said:
I'd like to shave every other day, but since starting wetshaving, I love shaving so much that I now shave everyday :lol:

..That's an absolutely ace Avatar you've got there Chibouk, wish I'd thought of it, very funny :lol:

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