
Rev-O said:
On a more serious note, horse is a common ingredient in Norwegian salami - it's mainly lamb, with some pork, horse and goat as well. Which make me think of an explosion on a farm, with bits of all sorts of animal flying everywhere.

Or just a huge conveyor belt moving towards a giant mincer with all sorts of mixed animals standing on it.
When I was in France I had Horse sausages which were OK, not a lot to rave about the texture was quite hard and beefy, reminded me of a really beefy beef sausage.

My GF went with her family to Switzerland last year and whilst there her father had a Colt Steak - Young Horse and it was apprently delicious, similar to beef but richer and nice and tender, which was what I experienced as well. Just a shame I couldn't go I would have loved to have tried it, especially if it's anything like Veal...mmmm baby cow...
On a more random note, I once worked with a girl from Ghana and she told about this story about how she came home one day to her tent/shack thing and they had her grandmother there living with them and she was cooking something on this open hearth with a griddle over it, she liked the smell of it and tore of a piece of flesh from the animal, ate it, liked it - found it later it was a dog that her grandmother had found dead and decided to cook it...

My mum & her husband live in Singapore and he travels all over Asia meeting clients so gets taken out for dinner often when in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand etc. and has had to eat some very strage things. I remember when we went to a Chinese wedding and were given dep fried ducks feet to munch on...I tried them but never again, there was more bone than skin or meat...I must confess to eating shark-fin soup as well, which was a waste seeing as I don't like Chinese soups....way too thick, but the shark meat was nice and meaty, similar to swordfish.
Jeltz said:
Sorry just saw the words "giant mincer" and thought we were back to cheese_dave's post :roll:
That's just made me laugh out loud in the office :lol:

For the record, the bloke in question and I are still friends, not sure why we wouldn't be! With the added bonus that I can wind him up with gay jokes now, it's a win-win situation (well, he makes jokes about the size of my nose).

F.G.R.X said:
... she was cooking something on this open hearth with a griddle over it, she liked the smell of it and tore of a piece of flesh from the animal, ate it, liked it - found it later it was a dog that her grandmother had found dead and decided to cook it...

Speed-read this, mistakenly thought they were eating her grandmother, blimey.
cheese_dave said:
Speed-read this, mistakenly thought they were eating her grandmother, blimey.

:lol: In FGRX's other post I thought someone had eaten his grandfather. Thought this was rather barbaric. Then I saw that he's from Wales. :roll:
I must apologise Grammar was distinctly lacking from that post, it's hard to type on the sly when I'm supposed to be working....

I did eat my grandfather, but that's another story for another day.

I must state with full force at this time that despite residing in the land of sheep-lovers, it's only been for the past few years, my therapist suggested it as an assistance to my problems with bestiality, he advised that being here I could get it out of my system ;) as well as the fact that seeing as everyone else is up to it round here I won't be ostracised by the community like I was in London, the neighbours were getting sick of losing their cats all the time to my lovenest. At least here the only neighbours I have our sheep - it's win-win. lol. :lol:
F.G.R.X said:
I must apologise Grammar was distinctly lacking from that post, it's hard to type on the sly when I'm supposed to be working....

I did eat my grandfather, but that's another story for another day.

I must state with full force at this time that despite residing in the land of sheep-lovers, it's only been for the past few years, my therapist suggested it as an assistance to my problems with bestiality, he advised that being here I could get it out of my system ;) as well as the fact that seeing as everyone else is up to it round here I won't be ostracised by the community like I was in London, the neighbours were getting sick of losing their cats all the time to my lovenest. At least here the only neighbours I have our sheep - it's win-win. lol. :lol:

Long pork... now there's something I would never eat.

I know a mate of mine who has though :shock:

Actually, I probably would eat it if I was starving to death... you know, round about 4pm.
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