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lol. I don't hate the guy. Don't really hate anyone. But he is sometimes up his own ass. What was it? 2 weeks or so ago he announced on his twitter page or whatever, that he is quitting the social network because 1 person (out of his many thousans of 'followers') said Fry's posts were a bit err 'meh'.
Then everyone pleaded with him not to quit and a couple hours later he came back. Sure, there are worse 'celebrities' out there than him.

He can't hold a candle to a true national treasure, such as Michael Palin or dare I say it, Bruce Forsyth. Hahahahaha
Arrowhead said:
I assume that you are both aware that the alleged genius Fry has by some obscure process become a "national treasure", and is thus beyond criticism?

I thought that he was amusing as Jeeves but he now seems to have come to believe his own studied English-ness image, I'm afraid.

The know alls know all. Granted he has an Attilla but that does not necessarily guarantee omniscience.

Oh dear, not very PC but my opinion, sadly.

Do you think that he shaves properly?
sonny said:
lol. I don't hate the guy. Don't really hate anyone. But he is sometimes up his own ass. What was it? 2 weeks or so ago he announced on his twitter page or whatever, that he is quitting the social network because 1 person (out of his many thousans of 'followers') said Fry's posts were a bit err 'meh'.
Then everyone pleaded with him not to quit and a couple hours later he came back. Sure, there are worse 'celebrities' out there than him.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://bipolar.about.com/b/2009/11/02/stephen-fry-quits-twitter.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://bipolar.about.com/b/2009/11/02/s ... witter.htm</a><!-- m -->

Looks like it was due to a bout of depression caused by his Bipolar Syndrome.
Depression is a great excuse. I, for example, have pocketed all the TSR charity funds.

Don't blame me, it's not my fault! I have a named disorder! I'm exempt from all the usual protocols and responsibilities etc.


People live with all sorts of syndromes and conditions, we still have to do our best to function as adults in the real world. We may not always succeed, but fishing for compliments, pestering for attention and generally being publicly needy are not endearing traits.

Nevertheless I shall carry on with them!
I would be surprised if Stephen Fry was not a likeable man in the flesh: he does seem genuinely affable. What galls me is the general perception that he is an infallible polymath, a paragon of intellectual rigour, and that he does not have a team of researchers and a script. His public persona is a caricature, just like Jeremy Clarkson's (surely ...?), and he plays up to it.
Arrowhead said:
. His public persona is a caricature, just like Jeremy Clarkson's (surely ...?), and he plays up to it.

Sure, and if a member of the general public has an interaction with Mr Fry, they should not complain if and when said Mr Fry acts like this public persona, instead of as a Mr Fry in private. As for Jeremy Clarkson, I wouldn't be surprised if he really does just play himself, in slightly enlarged stature (although I acknowledge that it is a fine line that separates enlargement and caricature.

Overall, I'd have to say though that I prefer Hugh Laurie over Stephen Fry.

I love watching Clarkson.
I think that Clarkson makes really good telly. I'm actually watching a repeat as I type this , Clarkson in his merc , Hammond and May on a cruise ship.
Clarkson reports "I have just penetrated Germany" while Thatcher plays on his car stereo. :D
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