Dovo Shavette

Been reading this thread with interest, as I love the feel of a straight razor shave, but am having the devil's own job maintaining the edge - therefore, wondering if a disposable blade straight such as the Dovo could be worth a try.

Since cutting my face badly with a half-DE blade shavette, I've been seriously put off the idea, but am I right in thinking the Dovo (and no, Kai/Feather are out of the price range) blades are thicker than a standard DE (more like a SE blade) & less of the blade is exposed, thus making them considerably 'safer' and a lot smoother to use than a half DE shavette?
In a word ... no.

The Dovo blades (and Jaguar) are thin, just like DE blades. They're a different geometry and the length versus width does go some way to reducing blade chatter, but you're still shaving with thin blades which can grab without warning.

For thick blades, it's the longer Personna blades as (now) sold by Connaughts that you'd put into a vintage Weck or modern shaper razors. Yes, you can shave your face with them - the blades were originally designed as face shavers and they do shave well ... and yes, it's a lot closer to straight edge shaving. A lot closer.
Been reading this thread with interest, as I love the feel of a straight razor shave, but am having the devil's own job maintaining the edge - therefore, wondering if a disposable blade straight such as the Dovo could be worth a try.

Since cutting my face badly with a half-DE blade shavette, I've been seriously put off the idea, but am I right in thinking the Dovo (and no, Kai/Feather are out of the price range) blades are thicker than a standard DE (more like a SE blade) & less of the blade is exposed, thus making them considerably 'safer' and a lot smoother to use than a half DE shavette?
Have you looked at the CJB or Sam Seong Kamisori's?

They use the same blade as the Feather Artist Clubs but are a bit more affordable.
I have had the CJB and the Feather Professional.

There was an obvious difference in build quality, but not buy much. The CJB certainly did it's job.

The new ones are supposed to be even better built.

I didn't like the plastic switch on the Feather professional but it was still a great razor.

I would take them over a DE shavette any day.

Just remembered - wasn't there one that took DE, injector and Feather AC blades?

Forgotten the name, but it had big screw knob on one side.
Many thanks for the feedback, guys - taken a look at the CJB & the Sam Seong & they are considerably cheaper; never seen those before

For thick blades, it's the longer Personna blades as (now) sold by Connaughts that you'd put into a vintage Weck or modern shaper razors. Yes, you can shave your face with them - the blades were originally designed as face shavers and they do shave well ... and yes, it's a lot closer to straight edge shaving. A lot closer.

Dammit Paul - I knew I should have bought one of those Wecks from you a while ago +++sad face+++
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