Dovo Shavette

Does anyone else find these a real pleasure to shave with?

Really enjoy using mine even if it is only to shape my beard and tache. (I did use to use it for a full shave)
As far as disposable blade straights go, Feather/Kai is king!!
The Dovo is a well made shavette that is designed for shaving not just hair shaping.
If you have the budget for the Feather/Kai then go for it. The reason I chose the Dovo is
1) funds
2) Easy access to blades wherever I am in the world (I bought it to take travelling round the would)
3) should it get lost, confiscated, stolen, etc the loss is not so bad.

If I was not planning on travelling I would've stuck with my proper straight first and fore most but, having used a feather, I can say this would make a great back up.

As per my first post, I really rate the Dovo as a cheap(ish) shavette and can get very good results with it.
I think people that really knock them either used them once and cut themselves quite badly or lump them together with shite shavettes (sanguine et al) having never used one.

They are well made and IMHO easy to use.
They aren't designed for shaving with, but it sounds like you're happy using one for that so crack on.

You couldn't pay me enough to use one.

I thought they were designed for shaving, whilst also having hair thinning as an option with the right insert. Would you be able to point me in the direction of some info re the history of them?
The Dovo is a world of difference from those hateful half-DE shavettes, @joe mcclaine - it uses a longer blade with less presentation.

I have used the unbranded Chinese one (prior to the word Solingen being stamped on and price hiked) and, yes, it was quite a joy to shave with. Another truly excellent system is the vintage Weck, which you can use with modern Personna blades (yes, branded as "shaper blades" but original designation was shaving blades) - like shaving with a long, slim GEM blade. Lovely! The Jaguar system is quite fun, too - similar to the Dovo razor, long and thin blade; proprietary.

Not to be deliberately argumentative, but the Feather system (largely because of the blades) really was not for me. It's the blades, and as such all those frighteningly priced single edge razors that keep coming out will never be in my repertoire because they are built around the Feather blade. Too sharp, too thin for me. Ironically, it was the Super (with the largest presentation) that I got on with best.

No, I'd pick the Weck over any disposable blade straight. Any day ... probably Dovo or Jaguar second.
I don't really buy the whole, it's for shaping head hair not shaving faces thing.

If it shaves hair, people use it with good technique and get satisfactory results that they are happy with, why can't they.

The Dovo has the option of the longer Dovo blades, I can't see them blades being used for shaping hair... So surely they are designed for shaving faces?

I get really confused when people call an Artist Club a shavette, and deem a shavette suitable only for hair shaping. Feather call it a barbers razor, a barbering tool, barbers have to use disposable blades these days, that doesn't mean they're specific to hair shaping?!

For what it's worth I don't let barbers go near me with Shavettes any more, even for hair shaping, they use cheap rubbish, with Derby blades which I hate, and always cause me a tonne of razor burn
... just thinking back ... with the Dovo shavette, there's the red sleeve for half-DEs, the black sleeve for the longer blade and there's also a green sleeve for the Personna blades.


The razor at the top is a Miraki and compatible with Dovo. I reviewed it here:
Hey Paul,
Any idea where you get the green sleeves (I'm now going to have that song in my head all day) from? I've never seen them for sale.
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