Dovo Shavette

I don't really buy the whole, it's for shaping head hair not shaving faces thing.

If it shaves hair, people use it with good technique and get satisfactory results that they are happy with, why can't they.

The Dovo has the option of the longer Dovo blades, I can't see them blades being used for shaping hair... So surely they are designed for shaving faces?

I get really confused when people call an Artist Club a shavette, and deem a shavette suitable only for hair shaping. Feather call it a barbers razor, a barbering tool, barbers have to use disposable blades these days, that doesn't mean they're specific to hair shaping?!
I agree about the Feather - if you look at their range of products, there are some with finger holes which look to be specifically for hair shaping - whereas the DX etc whether folding or straight seem to be designed for shaving.

I probably get on peoples nerves saying this, but there's no reason why a blade should not be used multiple times for shaving if dipped in Barbisol or similar in between shaves.
I also like that the leading edge of the blade of the Dovo is covered so you don't dig it into your face.

Haha! I did exactly that when I first used a half-DE shavette - I think I can still just make out the scar, some four years later. Tuh! Yes, the Dovo and the Jaguar have this function.

Great! So have a good supply of these still.
Haha! I did exactly that when I first used a half-DE shavette - I think I can still just make out the scar, some four years later. Tuh! Yes, the Dovo and the Jaguar have this function.

Great! So have a good supply of these still.

Yep me too!!

Sanguine gash in my face!
Probably to do with the fact there's no safety bar - and a half blade, because it is a lot thinner than an SE type blade, is very sharp and will cut easier if you get the angle wrong. The Feather type razors - even with a very sharp blade themselves are said to be a bit more forgiving.
you do have to get your angles and strokes about right with 1/2 blades or there is blood, i know from bitter experience!. i usually dull the corners of the blade, that helps too, as does corking. i'd never realized that SE blades were thicker, TBH.
why are half blade shavettes deemed to be no good for shaving, when the blade is the same as one used in a DE razor which is fine for shaving.?

Pretty much as rob says.

There's also I feel a big difference in feel between a straight and shavette.

Shavettes being so light, it's that much harder to use little pressure and with a pointy leading edge like a French point (I think it's called) you can do quite a lot of damage.

With some cheaper Shavettes there is also a very large blade gap so when you do nick yourself they're usually quite deep.

Buy one for a few pounds and have a go. I believe blood letting used to be all the rage once upon a time ;)
i did have a really cheap shavette that had the edge of the blade sticking out about 3mm!, it was savage!, i use a parker ss one now as my travel razor and only really the bevel on the blade protrudes and it gives a great shave, still have to be carefull, but nice to use nevertheless. i use a straight at home and it is much smoother and forgiving, both will get you a super close shave but the straight does it far more comfortably.
I've heard the Parker ones are good! It's was a choice between that and the dovo.

I managed to pick up the dovo cheap second hand on flea bay a while back.

I would try one if you get the chance you may like the leading point being covered.
if i could pick one up cheap i'd give it a go. i did look at one when i was first getting into straight shaving but as a beginner i couldn't justify the outlay. i'd probably use it with half DE blades, though, seeing as i've got rather a lot of them!!!
I've used it with both and there isn't a hell of lot of difference.

Less strokes and better feel with the longer.

I'm keen to try with the personna blades as they're thicker and less agro.
The long dovo blades are about twice the price of blades for a Feather Artist Club. I only had a quick look but saw the Dovos for £13 for 10 blades. We sell Feather Pros (box of 20), Pro Supers (again 20) and Proguards (15 blades) all for £11.99 delivered each
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