Difficulty sourcing Chinese Schicks

Available yes but I am cheap so a bit pricey for my liking will stick to Personnas from same vendor.

Hi there,

So how much more per shave are we talking about? To me it would be worth the small extra amount to get the best shave possible. Only get one chance a day so why not make that experience the most rewarding? After all, it's not like buying another high end razor or expensive brush.

Your call of course.
This is good news :)
They can takes weeks to get here from Amazon..
Hmmm ... sure that's a valid link? I can't find them by going through the main page to blades and can't find Schick in the manufacturers list.
Don't you start all that you cant find the blade again..Yeah..Its a Valid link cause I went through the Buy procedure without Buying of Course..:p:D:p


So let's figure with shipping included, a Chick blade will run about $1.50. That means six good shaves runs 25 cents each. Even if the Personna blade's half of that price or even a little less, we are talking about pennies more per shave. Hell, everyone's worth spending that tiny extra amount on if the experience is gonna be better. Oh, not just better but noticeably better.

Plus don't forget to compare the Chick to what a popular cartridge costs per use......huge difference there.

I was lucky and got some from USA at less than £ 5 per pack , generally they are more expensive. Think Connaughts price is fair. Next would be nice if he got the Japanese Schicks [ single & twin ]
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