Difficulty sourcing Chinese Schicks

West Sussex
It's been a few years since I owned an Injector (a Golden 500), and I recently decided to jump down that rabbit hole again.

While waiting for a Schick I2 to arrive, I wanted to order some Chinese Schick blades.
Amazon don't have any at present, but I found some on eBay for reasonable postage from the US (seller bluemedical). A couple of days after my order, I received an email stating that my order had been cancelled. No reason was given so I emailed the seller – they apologised, saying “This product is recalled and we are not sure why. We have sent back this item back to the distributor. We are waiting for a new lot. “

Has anyone else had any problems obtaining the Chinese Schicks recently?
That's interesting because I just went on to Amazon there and there are None Available as you say..There are a Number of USA Vendors that Amazon use as well..They are none..They all come from the USA into the UK..A number of USA EBay sellers have them though..I have never seen this before..Something is Up by the sounds of it..Sounds like some Sort of Recall..o_O

I have never seen this before..Something is Up by the sounds of it..Sounds like some Sort of Recall..o_O

Impeccable timing considering I'm just about to have another go with Injectors!

Luckily, the Japanese Schicks are still readily available and they seem to be well regarded by our experienced Injector users here. I've got some on the way.
Impeccable timing considering I'm just about to have another go with Injectors!

Luckily, the Japanese Schicks are still readily available and they seem to be well regarded by our experienced Injector users here. I've got some on the way.
I meant to say..The Personna Blades from Connaught work very well in something like the I 2..These things are all personal of course but I actually prefer them in later injectors..The Personna blade can turn up the volume a bit in them..:)

I meant to say..The Personna Blades from Connaught work very well in something like the I 2..These things are all personal of course but I actually prefer them in later injectors..The Personna blade can turn up the volume a bit in them..:)


Thanks Billy. I'll give the Personnas a try as well. I remember them feeling a bit rough in my Golden 500, but then again that was trying them right after using some NOS Dutch blades.
Impeccable timing considering I'm just about to have another go with Injectors!

Luckily, the Japanese Schicks are still readily available and they seem to be well regarded by our experienced Injector users here. I've got some on the way.
I have recently got mine via E Bay. Seller is a Mr Medical ,and they are shown for sale today.
Have also purchased Japanese Schicks , they are 2 cost of Chinese Schicks
Impeccable timing considering I'm just about to have another go with Injectors!

Luckily, the Japanese Schicks are still readily available and they seem to be well regarded by our experienced Injector users here. I've got some on the way.

Where do you buy Japanese Schicks from?

Thanks. I ordered some chicks a couple of weeks ago and they arrived yesterday. I was thinking about ordering more but couldn't find any. I've just checked ebay again and they have reappeared, although they are also a bit pricey. Amazon still doesn't have any, apart from a 12-pack which is on sale for well over £100.


Chinese Schick Blades are Now Available from Connaught..;)

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