Closed Completed: Seygus Spain 2016 razor pass around

Both razors are on the move.

  1. riverrun
  2. Nico1970
  3. Neslo
  4. Stacy555
  5. p.b
  6. mikebrownington
  7. Damianj
  8. Rufus Firefly
  9. mattyb240
  10. fancontroller
  11. Whosthedaddy
  12. Glen_Lee
  13. AndyMc133
  14. ben193
  15. Nishy
  16. wayne mattison
  17. fly3k

The list is open.

Black razor on the way to, Red razor on the way to
Black razor currently with, Red razor currently with,
Thanks, Stacy. What about the black one, @Neslo?

  1. riverrun
  2. Nico1970
  3. Neslo
  4. Stacy555
  5. p.b
  6. mikebrownington
  7. Damianj
  8. Rufus Firefly
  9. mattyb240
  10. fancontroller
  11. Whosthedaddy
  12. Glen_Lee
  13. AndyMc133
  14. ben193
  15. Nishy
  16. wayne mattison
  17. fly3k

The list is open.

Black razor on the way to, Red razor on the way to
Black razor currently with, Red razor currently with,
Black one arrived safely on Friday. Had first shave with it last night and found it to be quite light even with the weight fitted to the handle. Will reserve judgement though until I have used it a few more times
Thanks, Neslo

  1. riverrun
  2. Nico1970
  3. Neslo
  4. Stacy555
  5. p.b
  6. mikebrownington
  7. Damianj
  8. Rufus Firefly
  9. mattyb240
  10. fancontroller
  11. Whosthedaddy
  12. Glen_Lee
  13. AndyMc133
  14. ben193
  15. Nishy
  16. wayne mattison
  17. fly3k

The list is open.

Black razor on the way to, Red razor on the way to
Black razor currently with, Red razor currently with,
Shaved as expected last night, only spent 1 hour at the party, seem to have picked up a bit of a chest infection, hitting the antibiotics and painkillers, hope to be in better shape sometime tomorrow to post a report.
Had second shave tonight using a new Voskhod blade. Love the look of the razor but feel it is just too light for my personal taste. Found myself using more pressure than normal and although no nicks, cuts or irritation it wasn't a great shave. I have quite a coarse growth and even after a 4 pass shave - usually 3 passes at the most for me - still wasn't close to even a DFS. Grateful for the oppurtunity to try it but just isn't for me.

No need for me to try a 3rd shave so if p.b can send me details I will post it on.
Thanks for your thoughts, @Neslo. At 55.5 grams the Seygus is one of the lighter DE razors. A matter of personal preference I guess. I found I could get (close to) BBS in four passes easily. YMMV :D
@p.b is indeed next in line.
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