Brush upgrade

What do you rate Chris ? I was thinking about trying some Voskhods as they seem to have a fairly good rep. I'm actually happy with my German blades, no irritation & they last up to 6 shaves but are usually around twice the price of Russians (ever the cheapskate.)
My absolute favourites are Personna medical prep blades, but I also really like the regular Personnas in the blue box, and Astra SP. I've pretty much settled on those as being the ones that work for me.

I'll add the Personna's to my "to try" list... I like Astra SP but they dont last very long. Just ordered some Voskhods & Rapira Platinum Lux so we'll see how those fare.
I have not tried a Badger Brush of any description , and started back shaving with an old boar. I have acquired a couple more Omega boars, and find they work well in providing a good lather for the Shave.

More latterly have got some synthetics, which work well in starting a lather up on the top of the puck, and then working it up on the face. Having lathered up, I get most enjoyment in getting a good trouble free shave with whatever razor I have used [ DE/ SE/Injector ].

Am I really missing something by not using a Badger ? . I do appreciate how nice they look especially with some of the beautifully crafted handles , but I do not think I need one to get a better shave. However, it is totally up to the individual to choose whatever they want to use , we all have Favourites in each Category- Razors,Blades, Brushes,Soaps etc. Part of my reason for subscribing to the Forum, is reading of the Views and Experiences of others. I probably get a better shave, by taking on board information gleaned from the Forum.
IMO badgers are tops when it comes to feeling luxurious on the face, but purely for efficacy a synthetic is tough to beat. I've only used Muhle and EJ synths, but in my experience I had to spend a fair bit on a badger to see what the fuss was about, and even having seen it, I still regularly use and enjoy my synths.
I just acquired this from @Holyzeus 30mm Whipped Dog synthetic, it's a monster!

My PantaRei synth is also 30mm and a beast. By far my favourite brush!
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