Badger and Hone - No more ?

West Midlands
Badger & Hone ceased trading!

It appears acording to their website that Badger & Hone have gone in to administration as of 9 am this morning :shock:

Another victim of the recession.

A real shame, this was a really good vendor and I for one shall miss them. :(
Re: Badger & Hone ceased trading!

oh that's really bad :cry: :cry: :( :( , these guys had the best Customer Service i have seen in a long time....would always place orders with them knowing that it would be at a good price and a hassle free service.

a great shame :( :( :( :(
Re: Badger & Hone ceased trading!

I only had a couple of dealings with Badger and Hone, but on both occasions they were first class.

Such a shame.

Re: Badger & Hone ceased trading!

As others have said a real shame. It was a great company to buy from. Were they the only vendor in the UK to stock the Ogallala aftershaves? :(
Re: Oh NO such a shame.

FrenchBlade said:
It is a shame, but I saw it coming, they went offline for a long time, had very limited stock in the end...

Shame, as customer service was excellent.


I must admit when I saw their site was not being updated, (they had the March sale banner up for ages after), I thought it didn't look too good. I feel guilty now using their kind discount code.

Also where am I now going to get Ogallala from ?
Re: Badger & Hone ceased trading!

I can't believe it. Such a great place to buy from. Martin was a fantastic person to deal with.

Such a shame. :(
Re: Badger & Hone ceased trading!

I've not ordered from them myself but I always wondered how they were able to offer such low prices and free postage. As has been said its a shame when a business goes under, I hope that those involved have other resources and opportunities to fall back on.
Re: Oh NO such a shame.

Yes Northam Saint you using that discount code was probably the reason why they went down the shoot, I bet you feel bad about that :oops:
I dont know how you can live with yourself :eek:

Re: Oh NO such a shame.

pugh-the-special-one said:
Yes Northam Saint you using that discount code was probably the reason why they went down the shoot, I bet you feel bad about that :oops:
I dont know how you can live with yourself :eek:


I know it wouldn't of helped but certainly on a recent order I wouldn't of used it. I hate to see small companies go under, especially when they do provide a great service. Its difficult times for everyone and a shame for the guy that owned it.
Re: Badger & Hone ceased trading!

That's a great shame. They were an excellent company to deal with, and one you could use as a default supplier safe in the knowledge you were getting a good deal. I'm glad I supported them while I could.
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