
Canuck said:
A smoking monkey doffing his cap has a timeless appeal. Gregg Wallace can get bent, he's a passing fad.

Actually there is a rather uncanny similarity between your monkey and Greg Wallace, especially when the contestants feed a load of battle reenactors and he turns up in tweeds and a cap.

Edit: Just glanced at my bloody scary avatar and gave myself a little fright. Think it will be changing soon. :)
Yesterday when I logged in I thought a new rule had been brought in to make it compulsory to have a Greg Wallace avatar so I changed mine. As it would appear that this is not the case I shall revert back to the glass of red wine one I mostly use. Hopefully this will stop any confusion (until the next time I change it that is)

PaulH said:
Yesterday when I logged in I thought a new rule had been brought in to make it compulsory to have a Greg Wallace avatar so I changed mine. As it would appear that this is not the case I shall revert back to the glass of red wine one I mostly use. Hopefully this will stop any confusion (until the next time I change it that is)


Back to plonk from plonker then. ;)
Yeah, changed mine again.
I used to have a photo of Great Grandfather Ted who designed and marketed this little beauty:

And also had a powerful handlebar tash.
Then I went for some random bald bloke ( who looks like me anyway) then one of those QL code things that said I cant believe you were bothered to scan this to fin out what it said") Now, Ted.
I'm a member on a cycling forum on which someone started a thread about changing avatars and how it confused/annoyed him. He then went away on holiday (IIRC) some time later, and lots of people decided to change their avatars to confuse/annoy him upon his return... amusingly though, all those who agreed (on a separate thread) to change their avatars decided to have the same avatar as him.... cue a forum with lots of the same avatar appearing everywhere. :mrgreen:

Many people kept this avatar for quite a while (and more and more changed theirs to match) and then slowly each started to deviate away from the exact same and tweaked their own version of it. The Forum looked rather colourful, and in some threads with a couple of hundred posts it was unusual to see "proper" avatars for a while. :lol: :lol:
Pig Cat said:
PaulH said:
Yesterday when I logged in I thought a new rule had been brought in to make it compulsory to have a Greg Wallace avatar so I changed mine. As it would appear that this is not the case I shall revert back to the glass of red wine one I mostly use. Hopefully this will stop any confusion (until the next time I change it that is)


Back to plonk from plonker then. ;)
Touché :lol:
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