April 2021 Acquisitions

They were posted some time after 2pm yesterday. Second Class. From Belfast!!!
Yeah - when the Royal Mail works - it works well. I correspond with a fellow member who is in Cornwall - a letter posted there in the afternoon will get to me the next day in Glasgow pretty much without fail. I try and support the RM - to the extent I won't order from companies that only use couriers. I.

Picked this up this morning because Asda had it on a Rollback.
The shaving head looks very much like a clone of my R89 Muhle Twist but it does shave slightly different with a lot more feedback noise coming from the Gillette Rubie blade.
A real bargain for the money, especially as Boots want £5 for the blades.
It's a very nice heavy razor and will sit well in my collection.
The proraso white line is here I will say this I find an odd scent to the white soap and something similar with the cream same thing I got with the blue cream..the preshave smells a little better and the aftershave balm I really like the scent of..did think about returning but we will go with it as they are excellent performers. I’m thinking it must be something in the soap base that smells a little funky shall we say as it’s lightly scented it doesn’t seem to mask it too well