Aleppo Soap

Your Dovobet includes a vitamin D analogue, which doesn't count towards your requirement, but I reckon that putting the vitamin into your system rather than on the surface has got to help. Most people in the UK are vitamin D deficient 'cos of our limited sunshine. Apparently, D regulates the production of keratocytes which are involved in psoriasis plaque formation. I started by taking 1200iu per day for a week to top up the tanks and then reduced this to 800iu (normal requirement) daily. Results were felt by the end of the first week. Plaques reduced in number and size and, above all, the itch from hell was banished. I've had a few months of relative peace and will continue the vitamin D. This supplementation is a good idea even if you don't have psoriasis as no-one gets enough (usually).

Please remember, I'm not a doctor and also, although vitamin D is not terribly toxic you should not overdose.

I hope it helps.
Thank you for the response and will give it a go to see how it goes for me.
Like my dad always tells me, "You will learn something new everyday, if you are prepared to listen and try." and he is right.