After the One again

The charcoal goods razor is a beautiful thing to shave with especially when you match it with the right plate. For me personally I use either the everyday (mainly) or the number 3 depending on how much growth I have.
I have both the Dart & the Rocca & i 100% agree with you on aggression.
I know it’s not for everyone but i love the
Rockwell 6s
You can do what you want with it including hammering in nails lol
For me it’s a perfect razor.
The guys that have them love them the guys that haven’t tried them don’t rate them
I've had one mate, it just seemed a bit basic, not knocking it, I hope you know what I mean? I had the basic and the stainless.
Stainless Carbon I’m guessing though
I've had one mate, it just seemed a bit basic, not knocking it, I hope you know what I mean? I had the basic and the stainless.
Yes i do know exactly what you mean but it just does what it says on the tin & pretty much lasts a lifetime.
It’s one of these razors i take everywhere,
No big deal if i bang it around or even lose it as they are easily obtainable.
It just works And it’s as as mild or aggressive as you want it.
Even plate R6 is nothing like the aggression of the Dart.
Anyway Good Luck in your choice i’ll be interested in what you end up with