Affordable SE razor

I must have been mistaken with my interpretation of ↪THE RULES.

I shall refrain from posting any such links in future.
You may have missed the decision about this which was made some time ago but you are right that it does not seem to have made it into the rules. I'll have a word with Hunny to get them updated. Thanks.
For clarification - which of the following is allowed?
The exact auction title on ebay? - "Vintage PAL injecto matic Safety Razor barber shop"
The auction number? "232137743355"
The link? (link deleted) :D - obviously not...
Oh come on, you know non-BIN auction links are not allowed - and for good reasons. Nice attempt at playing the victim though :)
Possibly. I've lost track of which forum allows what... I'm not the victim - I'm devil's advocate.
I'm in a strange mood today... ,but I figured out the answer to Fermi's paradox, so it's not all bad... actually - it is..
Possibly. I've lost track of which forum allows what... I'm not the victim - I'm devil's advocate.
I'm in a strange mood today... ,but I figured out the answer to Fermi's paradox, so it's not all bad... actually - it is..

Yes - they ARE here. We just don't know yet!

Perfectly simples - Do not refer forum readers in any way to a live auction. BIN is fine. Completed auction is fine.
Yes - they ARE here. We just don't know yet!
No, they elected some leader who didn't give a shit about the advancement of civilisation. Never mind space ships - build me a ↪white tower, he said. They never made it past their moon.
Perfectly simples - Do not refer forum readers in any way to a live auction. BIN is fine. Completed auction is fine.
I'll keep an eye on this here, while relaxing elsewhere. Expect reports.
Life? Don't talk to me about life!
I am leaning more towards Colonial at the moment when I have some cash as they look beautiful and use those very sharp Japanese blades.Also a big SE fan on a sister forum raves about them. The injector heads look (especially with the double blade) like the cheaper Gilette disposables like a Sensor Excel. Do injector blades glide like a DE blade?

I'll check out featherweight but no idea what it is @Bezoar. I need to wait for monies anyway lol.
Oh yeah I have seen them now! I will sleep on it. The 99p one looks a little tatty and the other one is ok but the post is more than the razor again. I will sleep on it!
You have to bear in mind that when a Razor is packed properly it classifies as a small parcel ,and sent first class postage is around £3.50.
I am leaning more towards Colonial at the moment when I have some cash as they look beautiful and use those very sharp Japanese blades.Also a big SE fan on a sister forum raves about them. The injector heads look (especially with the double blade) like the cheaper Gilette disposables like a Sensor Excel. Do injector blades glide like a DE blade?

I'll check out featherweight but no idea what it is @Bezoar. I need to wait for monies anyway lol.
I've not found any difference in glide between a DE or a SE blade. There are different blades for SEs varying in quality. Similar to DEs. I don't know the science behind these things: An SE blade coupled with an SE razor (obviously) will have a different angle, geometry, blade exposure, and a way of moving across the skin and disposing of the lather and whiskers. Just a different shaving experience.

I believe there are a few SEs in the Lending Pool thread. Well worth trying a pass around before buying. It's a great resource, and much a difference between SEs as there are DEs for your skin type. I started out trying 1912s, and have settled on injectors. Haven't bought the newer SEs as cost prohibitive for me, when compared to the mixed reviews. The best shaves I've experienced with any razor has come from a Schick and a PAL which cost buttons. Completely subjective and came through a process of elimination. For me the Lending Pool helped me get to where I am. Likes of @riverrun have some great pass arounds!

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