Acquisitions - September 2021

Nice box! - Been a while since I said that to anyone! Is it an Amazon purchase and did it come with the foam insert already sliced and diced?
I've only got 8 razors and a couple of base-plates at the moment, but I'm sure I'd look to filling it up, if I had me one of those!
Haha thanks! It is an amazing purchase - this variant was around £19 if I remember correctly ! It did come with foam insert and it is the pluck type so already cut up for most part and you just rip out the chunks! I quite like it - helps keep razors safe since I have no place to display them, whilst also allowing for easy access rather than digging through bubble wrap! I can pm you the link to it if you want
Ooh, vintage Culmak soap. It is nice. I have the blue lidded bowl by my sticker is shot and I’ve no matching brush. Anyway, I prefer bigger boars just like myself. Here’s me in the gairden earlier:

Would quite like a link to that myself, if it’s ok?
The Tech is now in a PIF ... form a queue. I do not believe that it has ever been used and even the threads feel just a little scratchy, like they've not had the handle unscrewed/screwed up much before. Lovely thing! But, I have over 40 Techs and several of this era.
I have maybe half of them out on display, what with those on the risers and the cases at the back:

Third shelf down.
Holy christ what a collection. Impressive as hell. I thought I was doing quite well with 14 razors. I shall now go and flagellate myself as a reminder of I am not worthy. .
Nope that hurts, going to watch telly instead.