Acquisitions 1st January to 31st January 2016

Cheers Billy.
It is a coincidence that these arrived on the same day. I got the Twins for use in L1 & Adjustable. I already have got some Personna & Chicks to use in suitable razors. I have been taking on board the information you post from time to time, about the vagaries of the different Injector razors.

What blades for 1. Personna Super Stainless . 2. PAL Adjustable , which are other way from over the pond.
Keep up the good work
The Chick blades work like magic in the Injectomatic & the PAL Adjustable...Any other blade in these 2 injectors just seems to bring them down a peg or two...Match made in heaven...I have never used the USA made Stainless injector but I know folks that have them and they tell me they are Super mild like the Gillette injector...The Personna blade in that one should bring the best out of it....The Chick blades work very well in aggressive injectors cause they they smooth them out...They can be too mild in milder injectors..:D

You will enjoy those Twin blades...They will blow you away and the PALs....:)


My near obsession with vintage shaving soaps continues. I was very happy to hoover up this small collection of vintage shaving sticks. I'm expecting the Palmolive to be pretty similar to today's, but the Cussons and Erasmic should be old formulas loaded with tallow.
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Its arrived...

Rhodium Flat Bottom Hybrid Tech (left) shown next to my rhodium plated 1940's English Tech
The NOS UK made Personnas arrived today. Each packet nicely individually sealed in cellophane too.
Its going to be a shame to open them, but I'm not running a museum.


Also a Citrus & Wood gift set reduced by 70% in the Boots sale to £6
I got in the touch with the seller and he agreed to knock a few quid off the price so I'm reasonably happy with how it turned out. I've not actually used it yet but upon loading a blade it didn't look as though it affected alignment and even if it does I can always just use the other side:)

On a happier note....
1st up is was a bit of a punt and I've ended up with a no-name razor in an imitation Gillette basket weave case which is nice outside but a bit of a horror show inside. Nice heavy handle though - I may switch the rather flimsy feeling head for something a little chunkier....
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Next up - Red Ring Eclipse:D
View attachment 16198

Yep - the case is somewhat broken but it's a nice clean break that fits back together perfectly so it shouldn't be too difficult to glue. The razor looked a bit worse for wear in the Ebay pics but it's much nicer to the eye. There's a small hairline crack where the neck meets the tube handle and the plating on the handle is very worn but otherwise it's very good. Looking forward to polishing it up a bit.

Rob? It's that you? Glad to meet you here!
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