A PAL Adjustable question

Pleased to say I found The Sweet Spot.

Arrived Yesterday, used today. Loaded with a Schick , set at mid point . Nicely lathered , got a really good comfortable shave.
Must try the Schick Adjustable with a schick blade to compare. But the looks and feel of the PAL win hands down.
PAL Adjustable...:p

Three Pass Shaving Routine...:cool:

Hot Water prep & massage with Coconut Oil
PAL Adjustable
Feather Pro Injector Blade ( Modified ) New
Semogue Boar Brush
Erasmic Shaving Cream (added Argan oil)
Organic Aloe Vera Gel
HATTRIC Aftershave Splash (From Germany)

There has been more than a few folks acquired these Injectors recently so I just thought I would stick this one up that I wrote some time ago..The Feather Pro Blade is my Go Blade in this Injector Now and has been for sometime..The Chinese Schick blades work extremely well though..The Feather Pro Blade will not be for everybody in this Bad Boy Injector..A lot of folks don't get on with the Feather Pro even in the much Milder Mongoose...:eek:

I had a shave today with a "Cut Down Feather Pro Blade" in my PAL Adjustable ..I was a bit apprehensive at first cause this is quite an aggressive injector so I used it on the middle setting for the first 2 passes..I was surprised at how forgiving the Pro blade was in this injector compared to the G Type on this setting..Anybody that has used this adjustable will know how subtle the angle is and this actually helps somewhat with a crazy sharp blade as you cant go too steep with it..I turned up the volume to the 3 quarter setting for my final pass and here was a different story as the Pro blade suddenly became more wicked but with a light touch there was no problem as long as I was on my toes so to speak..This Razor & Blade Combo Demands a "Super Feather Like Touch" like a Feather Blowing in the Wind..:confused:

Going for 3 passes on the 3 quarter setting as usual with a Chick blade would be too much with this combo...I ended up with a Fantastic all over BBS result and my skin is as smooth as silk...I like the particular smooth - smooth finish the Pro blade achieves..Not even a hint of any irritation..I am again impressed with these blades and I am happy that I lived to tell a bloodless & or nick free tale..A lot of folks say that you cant suggest that one razor is not better than another..I don't fall into that Camp..The PAL Adjustable just could be the finest razor ever made..;)

These blades are crazy sharp and this is an awesome injector blade combo on Steroids ...SMOOTH & SMOOTH Folks...:p

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Today 7th Feb- Shaved with PAL & Schick S/S, on 10th use. Still delivering great Shaves, and more in the tank!

Am now putting it away , as I am in danger of continuing to use it. This means the rake of SE`s that I have amassed would be neglected . Maybe would have been cheaper, if I had discovered injectors before SE razors.
What you need to watch is that you don't run the blade across the blade stops ...Those NOS PAL blades are also crap...Its so easy to run the blade across the stops in this particular razor Sir....Even for the experienced user....The Chinese Schick Injector key as you say doesn't do well with this razor for some reason and I forgot about that until now Sir....My apologies on that one....Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't....I don't know why....These injector keys can have their nuance's with different injectors I have noticed...:rolleyes:

It might be a good idea to dump your NOS PAL blades and decant some Chinese Blades into the PAL Injector key....The PAL Injector key was specially designed for that injector....That's what I do myself....I did mention that everything about the PAL Injector is subtle and this is one of them.....Injector keys all look the same, but they are not...Take it from me...:eek:
Oh boy, this is fun.
H setting with a schick plat Dutch. I think that my face may be made of leather or something.
Anyway, it was a bit of a struggle getting the blade in and was wondering whether it might be dragging on the stops.
It didn't seem to open it up very much.
Then I was just reading this.
Do you have a picture of the PAL injector key that suits this please?
Or is it just any old PAL blade key?
Found these so far (Not looking to buy these, they are for illustrative purposes only) :

Are these the ones ? Are there a number of different ones that work the best?

The PAL Injector Keys look like these ones at the Top..The Current Personna One at the Bottom Works Fine..I would suggest you load the PAL Adjustable on the Middle Setting & after you withdraw the Key make sure the blade is seated & turn it to the H Highest Setting & All with click into Place..The Key does actually open the head..Its doesn't open anything near as wide as a Schick & that's why they Don't Take Twin Blades..If you look closely you can see it subtly opening..You can also feel it opening when you insert the Key..Very Subtle is All..Everything about the PAL Adjustable is Subtle including Loading it.. o_O

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