14 jan onWards .. Temporary closure of Transmissions...

Re: 14 jan 2011. When is a shave not a shave MkII?

Dear diary, friend and confidant
Altered prep. Unsafed myself using just sea buckthorn...
Nicest smoothest irritation free shave. It was almost like my flare tip was a part of my arm. The blade being merely an extension of thought.
Each pass left a gleaming path of shining stubble free skin. Man and instrument in perfect harmony, a blend of subtle control and technique.
A cold water splash revealed a new man. Younger, lifted, vibrant..
Ready to charge down the day and make anew.

Then I woke up.

No change. Blade too mild. Sadness gripped my soul. Until I remembered the other 10 or blades left to try and my gold diplomat waiting fir that special day when I have sussed out my fave blade...
Re: 14 jan 2011. Croc Content

Dear Diary,

Flare tip
Erasmic cream (ta James UK)
Jagger Badger
Lush Prince pre under shave type thing
Gave myself two weepers today! First time for ages. Too much pressure.
But these are sharp blades man. Felt no tug or pull at all on first pass.
Have ordered another batch.
They can cut a croc in half. That is sharp.
Did I say sharp?
Did I say these are the Petersburg blades same at Yellows and gillette platinums.
Holy cow these are sharp. Did I just say that.
Must stop drinking Grappa....
Re: 14 jan 2011. Croc autopsy content...nearly..

Dear Diary
now where was I?
Sat no shave. Got withdrawal. Shaking, cold sweats, eyeing up other peoples beards to see if they had shaved, pink elephants. The whole works...
New Brush!!! Vulfix 404. Shorter and firmer than my other brushes. Classy finish and feel.
Prince lush cream
Jagger Buckthorn
Flare tip
Nacet (so sharp they can cut a croc in half etc...)
Lovely shave

Same except Mama spellbound woods.
Little KoS oil underneath.
Holy great shave batman. Third day on the Nacet (so sharp they can cut etc...)
Maybe my best shave ever!!!
It has taken me 2 months to get to this point.
If anyone reads this just starting and you are six weeks in and its not going as you think.
Now these Nacet blades (so sharp they can...etc etc...)
I went to my local zoo. Where they keep crocodiles. Well you've got to try haven't you?
It was in the paper. Croc 'Happy Harry' dies in mysterious circumstances. Vet to perform post mortem (autopsy for USA readers)
Well I wondered if I could help. You know..in the cutting bit. Sort of a blade test. It says so on the packet...
THis happened...

Not as dead as they thought!!!!
Get Nacets.
You know it makes sense....
Re: 14 jan 2011. Blade question...

Dear Diary
Nacet/flare tip.
4th day Nacet. Still a great shave!!

Do you think all of the Petersburg blades are the same blade but different packets? They all shave really well.
Trying Platinums next...
Re: 14 jan 2011. Light headed feeling...

Tks to Ides for PIF. Luverley Jubberely.

Prep Lush shave cream
QED sandalwood sample from Dodgy (AKA Margaret)
Flair tip (no its just the way I walk)
Gillette Platinum (Russian) first time.

Nice shave. Blade predictable. Gillette plus gillette really works for me.
Soap really good. Plump lasting lather with woody not obvious smell that lasts. Nice product.

I have taken to to slightly shorter, lighter strokes of late with more frequent rinses of the razor. Gently and not too quickly. A sort of Legato with a bit of impetus.

Results now getting consistent.
Re: 14 jan 2011. Blade question...

Dear Diary,
PIF from Ides Palmolive Sensitive and Vulfix in a wooden bowl. Ta me dear!
So had to have PM shave too to see what palmolive was like! Really good old fashioned smell and lathers so well.
I am now called Tim Two shaves....

AM today
Same set up but put my sample of QED Sandalwood in with my Mamas spellbound woods.
Great shave.

But I think the mixture of the two is having a strange effect....i feel sort of light headed....
I will see what happens tomorrow.
I was looking at a shaving chart thing about blades and longevity and VFM and stuff. A lot of blades give 5 to 7 shaves!
Four I think. I know my yellows and nacets could go to 5 but 7.
Jonboy are you still on a blade a shave???!!! :shave
Re: 14 jan 2011. Blade question...

Slick said:
Jonboy are you still on a blade a shave???!!! :shave

:oops: :mrgreen: Depends what blades I use, I think part of the reason is due to skin irritation. To get around this, I am mostly shaving every other day. The Feathers go off very quickly so one blade = one shave. Gillettes = 2 shaves. Asco Orange seem to work well for me and I can shave daily with these, 2-3 shaves. Working my way through my Lord sample pack atm.

Experimenting with creams/soaps (oil purchase on the horizon) and hand honing to reduce irritation and increase the lifespan of th blade. I will let you know how I get on over the next week or so. :)
Re: 14 jan 2011. 1955 Diplomat content.....

Dear Diary
No shave for three days.
Almost unbearable.
Herds of pink elephants this time. Tremors. (Huge worms weren't they!!)
Wife saying 'Will you leave your face alone!' (beard mapping was my reply)
Third day, grumpy. Wife said it was nice me not 'Carrying a cloud of smell around'
Then Diplomat circa 1955 no gold loss, anywhere! (from Dodgy top bloke)...Yellows...Mama Bears with extra sandalwood..usual prep.
THE BEST SHAVE EVER EVER EVER IN THE WHOLE WORLD!! Of shaving. In my experience. Of shaving. Which is limited actually.
Anyhoo with my Diplomat I can;
Travel 1st Class on any form of travel and someone else will pay.
Break whichever country's laws I am staying in and claim Immunity.
Have a 'CD' number plate.
Have a huge expenses budget and stay and eat in the finest hotels.
Rack up thousands of £'s worth of unpaid parking fines because I can park where I like.
Wear a Tux ALL THE TIME. Even in bed.
Go to great parties.
Meet important and famous people.
But Most of all I can indulge in this....
Re: 14 jan 2011. 1955 Diplomat content.....

Slick said:
Wife said it was nice me not 'Carrying a cloud of smell around'

Did "the dog" fart again Tim? :lol:

I find I get a much closer and less irritable shave if I shave every other day, but the blades dont last as well.
Re: 14 jan 2011. 1955 Diplomatic duties content.....

jonboy said:
Slick said:
Wife said it was nice me not 'Carrying a cloud of smell around'

Did "the dog" fart again Tim? :lol:

Ha !!
That actually is the look on the face of the dude above! I think she may have done one nice dress or not!!
Of course as a diplomat I would never fart! Simply explode as the need arose.
I have other Diplomatic duties to go about today:
  • Patting a baby on the head
    Illegal parking
    posh dinner at the Ritz at 1.00
    Illegal parking + speeding excessively
    posh tea at Claridges
    Illegal parking on a pavement
    Poss supper at Rules (just off Covent Garden)
    Illegal parking, running a red light and speeding
    To bed with a pile Ferrero Rochers[/list:u]
    Great shave this morning. Yellows holding up for day 3. Proraso white tub. Little oil pre. 404.
Re: 14 jan 2011. Take that Sting!!!....

Dear Diplomatic Diary,
Yellows day four. All good. My daughter came in and lathered for me! Ah nice! Used Mama Bears Spellbound as this is her fave...little KoS underneath, plus 404 (still quite firm?)

Well yesterday was a blast! Immunity I found from everything...
Nicked a curly wurly from the local Spar. No charges.
Cashed 4 duff cheques. No charges.
All parking/speeding/misdemeanour's waived.
Plus I meet lots of cool people!
Had lunch with Sting!! The Pop Star. Nicked his jacket and poked tongue out! There is nothing he can do!
Tea with PM Cameron. Wedgie administered! AND I tweaked his nose. Immune. Hussah.
Best of all I get to go and eat like this every night..

Get A diplomat.
It will change your life.
Re: 14 jan 2011. 2213 Chunky content

Just a quickie as I'm my immunity is running low....
It all catches up with you in the end.

Have Fido New Forest Brush 2213 'Chunky' with ivory handle and the new logo. (has not worn off yet Peter!)
Daughter lathered my face and head! this morning using Mama Bears.
Light years of difference.
Lots of think unctuous lather that I have never made before. Mr Whippy ice cream.
I use the Peter trick of squeezing out the thickest lather for my second pass which is the best bit!
Gillette Yellow for day 5! Great shave. Not quite as close but still really nice. Little KoS oil as pre.
I have spent 28 GBP on two other brushes. A Jagger Black badger and a Vulfix 404. Both good actually.
So if I were starting out, and taken that the prep is the best path to a good shave I would have bought one of these in the first place.
It is quite a nice size for face lathering the knot is 22 mm, handle height approx 54 mm and the loft 47mm mm. And still not floppy which I like.
It holds a lot of moisture even not broken in its finest silver tip bristles. So really well priced for the quality of product.
And its from Hampshire.!!! Sorted.

Re: 14 jan 2011. All change....

Day 6 in the Big Brother House.
Tim is looking in the mirror while the rest of the house mates are asleep. Danny and Tara were up late arguing over whose turn it is to clean the loos especially as someone had done a 'no flusher'.
Tim is looking at his Gillette super sharp and wondering if it will do one more day. Tim applies a little oil and lathers with Jagger sea buckthorn with his new forest chunky 2213.
It produces copious lather and Tim goes for the gold diplomat....
All good.!!
Sun No shave.
Red Tip
Minora blade
Mama bears S'bound woods
2213 (so good!!)
Good shave mostly but neck again. What is it with this razor? Oh its me....
What is it I am doing or not doing differently this is the only razor I possess that causes a little irritation in the neck area? Maybe it's slightly more aggressive nature...
Anyhoo off to try bilghty's sandal wood and vanilla tomorrow....ooooo!!
Riki TT
Re: 14 jan 2011. Red tip bites back again!

Dear diary
Mediocre shave.
Red tip and I do not get along. More rashy neck and slight nick.
Used profs shave soap. Smells great, well hydrated skin after but could not build sustaing lather.
Have fed back to prof to see if I am being a numpty.
I can see red tip and I parting company ....
Blightys soap update!
I was being a numpty.
This is blightys advice and it worked beautifully;

'Use an almost dry brush. Don't soak the bristles first it isn't necessary. Just dip the tips of the brush into the warm water then swirl around the tub to load the brush, then first try working the brush into a bowl , then add a little more water by just dipping the tips of the bristles into water again. Then re-work the cream, this should produce a thick and consistently creamy lather.
Adding water to this cream is like adding salt to your dinner, a very little at a time, you can always add more later, but once you've added too much you can't take it out again!'
Thanks Martin. Great service with a quick and helpful reply.
Re: 14 jan 2011. And Relax....

Dear Diary....
red tip emptied and cleaned. Neck quite uncomfortable....
It's going out on loan to Canon.
Put Minora blade into late 40's super speed. (waste not want not! It's got 2 or 3 shaves left)
So today;
Proraso white tub (has tea tree in which is a little cooling) Great soap!
Little KoS oil under
2213 Great Brush!
Daughter lathered for me!!
Ah bliss. So different. All good.
So if Canon doesn't like it it will go on buy sell trade. It will suit someone especially as it its in good 'nick' (razor joke, get it? 'Nick'. Oh never mind)
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