14 jan onWards .. Temporary closure of Transmissions...

Re: 14 jan 2011. Super speed cowboy content

Dear diary.
Note to self. Leave straight shaving alone. For now!
New blade.
Same kit.
Super iridium from dodgy.
Holy close shaves batman!
Top blade so far. Second bLeue extra. Third gillette super sharp. Forth shark. Fifth derby.
I will try a feather next. Been saving this as now I have something to compare against.
May use ss for a while as this will give me a steady benchmark.
Even managed a ATG under the chin!!
I'm sure my bristles feel more bristly.

Re: 14 jan 2011. Super speed with cartoon character content

I have somehow managed to miss this thead! Made for an enteraining and informative read!

Go easy with the feather, I found it great on the first shave, but the second shave..... Hope you aren't squeamish! :mrgreen:
Re: 14 jan 2011. Last daily post for a bit

Dear Diary,
I am leaving you today for a while. As much as I love you all good things.....(or not so good things.....)
Sun pm ready for bed shave!!!
Proraso face lather (a little too dry actually to start with)
I sang a little happy little ditty to myself while doing this BTW.
AGT! under the chinny chin chin.
Lovely is all I can say.
So on that note,
Tim. :shave
Re: 14 jan 2011. Over confident.... Rash content

Dear diary
Well I took a break!! But I missed you...
It was all gong so well.
Being 007,Kirk , a cowboy...
By the wAy I am not really those people. They are mostly fictitious.
Anyhoo smithers
Getting really consistent results.
Two passes occasional third under yhe chinny chin chin.
Face mapped. Lather coming on. Trying different blades. Buying vintage. Selling modern.
Today arko soap. Which I like the allegedly wee wee smell of.
Superspeed. Sang a ditty. Irish today.
Feathers. Thanks dodgy Really smooth. They are good.
Third pass under the c c c.
Arg!!! Razor burn alum block etc. Wow where did that come from?
Over confidence and not enough care and too heavy a hand.
Tomorrow sit back relax enjoy the ride!!
Re: 14 jan 2011. Over confident.... Rash content

Dear Diary,
hey ho up with the lark.
Usual prep, although this time I eyed up the Feather blade in the corner. It eyed me up to!!
Mexican stand-off, Japanese style....
High Noon..
Music by Sergio Leone....
Face lather, arko...
who would make the first move....
Me, carefully, gently and nicely. Ha gotcha!, palm strop, into razor and onto face.
A lighter touch, no ATG and a really fine result. These are really good blades.
Although this happened on the way to work....

Use carefully
Re: 14 jan 2011. Who would come out top? Samurai content.

Dear Diary
Enforced discipline...no not that sort!
A week in Wales. Wet but lovely.
One razor. Late 40's SS.
One cream. Palmolive. (from Wilkos, amazing VFM)
3 blades.
Feather still
Wilkos own
Feather good for 5 days just two of those in Wales. performed well started to tug on day 5. I always palm strop before shaving.
Wilkos own. Not good at all. Felt worse on day one than feather on day 5.
Merkur. Maligned but a really good shave.
I learnt to really concentrate on technique and touch. Now I can really feel difference between blades.
Got bored on day four as I have great kit from Dodgy to try and ebay too.
From Dodge, 57 red tip with the ++ underneath (nice) (what do those ++really mean?)
Mint '55 Diplomat (really nice)
E bay 60 Flair tip looked ropey until I used the Maas Dodge sent. Now it looks mint!
Red tip, arkos, Bleue Extra. Another really good shave. Red tip not at all aggressive. Nice weight though. Really retro and cool. Gillettes all seem to shave in a really similar way.....a family feel that suites me.
Boy I am lovin this!
Re: 14 jan 2011. Still learning lots. Discipline Content

This is the most bonkers and delightful thread. Absolutely entertaining!

Keep up the voyage of discovery. I'm loving the voyage myself, too. Feathers are fantastic blades, but they do need a certain delicacy in their use - I find them rather unforgiving of lapses of attention!

I have a vintage Gillette Slim phaser on the way - I'm looking forward to the "transforming effect" it will have on my journeys into work... :shave
Re: 14 jan 2011. Red Tip Content....

Dear Diary,
well I thought I had good shave yesterday but as time went on my lower neck became a little sore mmmmmm.
Same today, what to do?
Scratchy chin moment....
So I went to the Doctors
'Hello Slick' said the Dr, 'What can I do for you?'
'Well I said, It's a bit personal actually...'
'Go on,'said the Dr, 'I like a bit of a laugh. It will make a change from old people and 'flu.'
'I have a red tip...and it's made my neck sore.'
'It'll be the way your holding it probably' said the Dr, snorting, trying to hold in a giggle..'show me.'
So I got my red tip out, and held it in my hand and put it against my face.
'Ah, as I thought. You are squeezing your red tip a bit too tightly and thus applying a bit too much pressure. You need a gentle stroking action.'
The DR adjusted my grip. 'Try now'
The second attempt seemed much more successful.
'I Think that will make a difference. You have a quite an aggressive red tip there and a Bleue extra swede. And you know what Swede's are like...' The Dr continued...'so use your red tip gently for a week once a day and make sure you use a good cream.'
'Well' Dr I said 'that's great. What if that does not work?'
'Try Haiku'
'Haiku? I said
'Japanese poetry. They have a way with blades and such. Maybe you need to commune with your red tip in a more meaningful, spiritual way. You know, take your relationship to a whole new level.'
Mmmmmm Maybe I do........
Re: 14 jan 2011. Red Tip content.......

Haiku (俳句 haikai verse?) listen (help·info), plural haiku, is a form of Japanese poetry, consisting of 17 moras (or on), in three phrases of 5, 7, and 5 moras respectively.[1] Although haiku are often stated to have 17 syllables,[2] this is inaccurate as syllables and moras are not the same. Haiku typically contain a kigo (seasonal reference), and a kireji (cutting word).[3] In Japanese, haiku are traditionally printed in a single vertical line and tend to take aspects of the natural world as their subject matter, while haiku in English often appear in three lines to parallel the three phrases of Japanese haiku and may deal with any subject matter.[4] Previously called hokku, haiku was given its current name by the Japanese writer Masaoka Shiki at the end of the 19th century.

Mmmmmm maybe I should.....
Dear Diary.
With thoughts of Japanese poetry in my head and a slightly new approach to my morning shave (thanks Doc!) I used red tip, Mama Bears Spellbound Woods, Black Jagger Badger with Bleue extra. (3rd day)
Then I realised what I had been doing.
Going against the grain on my second pass in the neck region. Sorted.
Lovely relaxing peaceful and more spiritual performance.....
Any Haiku is welcome here...what have you got???
Cheers TBS
Re: 14 jan 2011. Super speed and transporter content.

This link got me banned from another shave site..I was annoyed as I was not asked to remove it


Slick said:
Dear Diary,
up with the lark, a spring in my step and a song in my heart.
Err and a slight red wine hangover.
Today used same set up as yesterday except proraso soap white tub. Nice smell.
A two pass WTG and ATG showed very passable (shaving joke here) results. Will experiment with under chin with fresher blade. I have used this since Tuesday.
But, no rash or burn. Am lovin the super speed. Am lovin' all my Gillettes.
Found on you tube. Make your own mind up!!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVIuyQFz0zo" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVIuyQFz0zo</a><!-- m -->
Holy Nutcases Batman!!!
Do not try this at home.
Off too work am now male model.

In no way do I condone smoking
Smoking is harmful.
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