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I have just watched "A sense of freedom" a little dated but a good watch none the less, you will enjoy "Wee Man" :) P. @Missoni

If you haven't already read it, A Sense Of Freedom is an excellent book.
Jimmy Boyle of course, did some terrible things, but the book is excellent.

Was he the product of his environment and up-bringing? I couldn't say, because I wasn't there - but he seems an interesting man.
Just watched the peanut butter falcon. It's about a lad with down syndrome who escapes a care home to go and be a wrestler. One of the best films I've seen for a while, beautifully made and heart warming, nice soundtrack too. If you haven't seen it, watch it. It's superb.
Watched 'Knives Out' last night ...first movie I've watched for a while as I've been binge-watching seasons 4,5 and 6 of 'The Avengers' (Classic UK TV not Marvel).
Knives Out is very good but `I doubt I'll get it for my Blu-Ray collection. Daniel Craig's deep southern PI is a great character though!
One positive from the lock down for me, has been discovering Studio Ghibli films on Netflix. Just watched "The Wind Rises". Quite possibly my favourite so far. A beautiful, yet sad story line. The soundtrack is wonderful. Had a good listen on Spotify today too.

If you like an animated film - please check out Studio Ghibli.

You don't get much more disparate than these films - watched last night -

'My Octopus Teacher' - documentary - anthropomorphism on a wet stick - but compelling and beautifully photographed. I'll never eat pulpo again.

'Restrepo' - documentary - Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger holed up in a forward base in Afghanistan. The real deal.


@Glen_Lee @Missoni @Scotshave
Blast from the past - bloody love this film, appeals to the old romantic in me ;) How good is Nick Hornby? Really annoys me that High Fidelity was set in the US.

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