Wilkinson Sword Empire modification tutorial

Wednesday November 10, 2010
West Midlands
I bought a Wilkinson Sword Empire a little while ago because they looked so dam cool, I knew they used a proprietary wedge blade so it was my intention to give it one try and then make a display piece out of it. Unfortunately the strop was missing and the wedge blade was a duffer:icon_sad:

I finally got around to cleaning it the other day and it's come up pretty good, these things were really built to last and have a great Steam Punk look about them.

Whilst I was cleaning and examining it I wondered if a regular GEM SE blade would fit, but alas no:icon_mad: Well being a stubborn OCD type of person who likes to tinker I had a think and I've managed to get SE blades to fit.

So for all you souls out there that have one of these, I thought I'd share the process in case you want to give it a go. It's not very hard to do and you end up with a fully functional adjustable SE razor, that doesn't need stropping.

The only tools needed are a small pair of needle nose pliers, some sharp side cutters and an engineer's scribe (a small thin flat bladed screwdriver would also suffice).

First you move the release catch to the left (as you look at it from the front) circled in the picture below, this will allow the blade holder to open (blade holder is what I've called the bit with ‘THREAD STROP THIS SIDE' on it.
The picture below shows the blade holder now open, I've also highlighted the problem areas that stop a regular SE blade fitting. The arrowed parts show where the edge of the blade will go and if you follow this line down you will come to the circled parts of the mechanism which stop the blade going in fully, as these are closer together than the width of a regular SE blade.
Now the dangerous part, removing the spine from the SE blade:icon_eek: please be careful these things are to coin a phrase ‘Razor Sharp'. I used an engineer's scribe to prise one corner up, but you could probably use a small flat blade screwdriver here. Once one corner is up, it's easy enough to pull the spine off.
Now the spine is of you'll see why the areas circled in picture 2 cause a problem. A regular SE blade without the spine is squared off at the corners and these corners hit this part of the mechanism and stop the blade from going in. So out with your side cutters and nip the corners off.
Insert the blade as far as it will go, if it doesn't go all the way to the bottom take your scribe or flat bladed screwdriver and just open the gap up a little, re-insert the blade, close the blade guard, slide the release catch back to the right and you're almost done. You can see in the next picture how cutting the corners off the blade allow it to now fit in all the way.
Flip the blade over and your last job involves what I've called the locating lugs. These are shown in the picture above (lower set of circles), these lugs hold the blade in place and keep tension on it.

Initially your modified SE blade will sit on top of these lugs, so push the adjuster screw forwards (this moves the spring loaded blade tray forward, as originally designed) and the blade now slips under these lugs. You may or may not need to do this stage (I had to only do one side) get your needle nose pliers and bend these lugs outwards ever so slightly. This is because you want the lugs to be on the very corner of the blade (you don't want an exposed corner of the blade). Go easy they only need moving a tiny bit, just enough to allow the blade corner to fit under them and (that's) it.

Congratulations, you're done. Adjust the screw at the back to wind the guard roller in or out to your preference (I'd suggest setting it to mild for your first go), whip up a lather and away you go.

I hope this may inspire someone else to give it a go and bring some life back to a beautiful razor that wasn't getting used. What have you got to loose (except a finger).

I take no responsibility for anyone cutting themselves to ribbons when following this tutorial. If you are not safe with sharp things please get an adult to help:icon_lol:


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That's a nice bit of work. I'm not sure I would feel comfortable modding the blades like that but some people would and it's nice of you to take the time and effort to put this together for them. I like the idea of giving a new lease of life to these proprietary systems.
One day I may want to get one of these razors and give it a go.
Johnus said:
But how does it shave???

Not to bad, I've only had one go so far this morning (project was done last night) fairly close shave, with a bit of irritation. Which I think was down to having the guard wound in to far and it was the 4th shave with this blade (has been in my Ever Ready 1912 until now). I'll mod a fresh blade tonight and will report back in due course.

Plus I need to adjust technique a little, as the last razor in my rotation was a black tip aluminium superspeed with a Swede in it, so you can imagine this thing feels like I'm holding a sledge hammer after that.

NotTheStig said:
That's a nice bit of work. I'm not sure I would feel comfortable modding the blades like that but some people would and it's nice of you to take the time and effort to put this together for them. I like the idea of giving a new lease of life to these proprietary systems.
One day I may want to get one of these razors and give it a go.

Thanks for that, just something I thought I should share.
I hated the idea of this being relegated to display use only, so giving the old girl another crack at life was my thinking as well. I mean what man made consumer goods made today will be around in this condition in 70 years or so! (cue misty eyes & hovis bread advert music):icon_wink:

To be honest modding the blade is childs play, you're more likely to stab yourself with the scribe or screwdriver, than cut yourself with the blade (unless you really are a butter finger numpty, that's not paying attention).

The razor's can be picked up on the bay for next to nothing, especially if you go for one without the strop, blades, etc because no one bids on them thinking they have to use the wedge blade.

I'm not sure yet (at work at the moment):blush: but I've got a feeling that modding the blade like this will also allow it to fit in a Valet Autostrop razor:icon_razz: which I'll try later tonight.
Valet: that would be interesting! I nearly bought one when new to DE thinking it would take standard DE blades. If you can mod the blades for the Valet this easily I'd be interested to hear!

I put half a double edge blade in an SE razor once. Shave was ok but I'm not sure the grip was good enough to leave a healthy safety margin so I only did it the once.
Time to report back,

I modded a fresh blade which was dead easy now I've had practice in doing them, whipped up a nice lather of Nanny's citrus zinger and set the adjuster screw about half way.

Straight away I could feel this was going to be close, so I wound the blade guard all the way out and continued on my merry way. A sharp blade made all the difference from the first one I did.

I got a really close shave with very little irritation, it's a strange sensation the roller type guard and a SE blade, felt a little bit like shaving with an open comb razor and there was no blood loss at all:icon_razz:

I still need to adjust my technique a little, but I'm definately going to continue using this as I can see it getting better & better with practice.

I've not had chance to look into modding a blade for the Valet razor yet, but it's still on my list of things to do.
I reading about the modification that you accomplished, one of the reading said that a Feather SE blade would fit without having to "cut" off any of the metal. Have you heard this or tried them?
This thread has been quiet for a while but I finally got round to getting some feather SE blades from Connaught and came back to find these instructions on how to fit one in my wilkinson. I ended up up trimming off the corners but it was very easy to get the blade to fit.

The shave: wow! Did one pass on quite an aggressive setting after starting on mild and gradually moving the guard back. (I found it pulled quite a but on the mild setting but that could just be lack of technique!) Anyway after a couple of passes and a tidy up with my 34c I cannot believe how smooth my face is!

With practice this will give an absolutely amazing shave.
Bit of a thread revival.

One of these razors arrived in the post this morning. I modded a GEM blade and it all fits in fine.

However, the set also came with two unopened original blades and the strop. I loaded one of the original blades, gave it a strop and I'm going to give it a go in the morning. Not sure what it's going to be like, but I'm willing to try.
Reviving this old thread, i bought an empire recently, but the blade holder is different to the one in the pictures above, its the width of the razor. When i tried modding the blade as above, the spring loaded guard would not go far enough forward. I then cut off around 3mm more off the depth, bit of tweaking here and there, and finally got it to fit. I am going to try it tonight to see what its like.
It could be the case that the adjustment screw on the back of the razor needs turning to allow the guard section to move forward enough when pushed from the back to take the blade properly. I hope that makes sense? If not I'll put some pictures up tomorrow to explain what I mean.
Hippo said:
It could be the case that the adjustment screw on the back of the razor needs turning to allow the guard section to move forward enough when pushed from the back to take the blade properly. I hope that makes sense? If not I'll put some pictures up tomorrow to explain what I mean.

Tried that mate, undid the screw to get the guard to go as far forward as i could, seems you turn the screw as though you are tightening it to release the guard and push it forward, but still not enough, but if i am still doing it wrong, any advice appreciated, as its a bit of a pain snapping off a quater of the blade.
Just had a shave with the empire and my modded blade. Started off and was very aggressive, no matter what angle i tried, it just wasnt smooth. Finished a wtg pass and had a few cuts. Nearly called it a day when i thought of adjusting the screw at the back to bring the blade back a bit from the blade guard.

What a difference, felt like i was shaving with my ever ready, very smooth and with the 2 passes had a nearly bbs shave. Apart from the cuts from the first pass, no irritation. I will try it again in a couple of days on the setting with the blade further back from the guard, so hopefully, it should be smooth shaves going forward.
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