Where am I going wrong?

WTF is a shave den? I got a shed.
Behind this here door:


Is a shave den :)
Swap Asda for Fairy, the blade for a Claymore, the yard brush for one of those car wash brushes and you'll be grand.

Oh yeah...like I haven't already tried all those and more...surely you can come up with at least one original idea? I'm bleeding here, man...I need help, not throw-away tired suggestions.
I really don't know what's happened to the esprit de corps on this forum. I think dogsmro is the closest to diagnose the real problem, which is a lack of a decent pre-shave oil.

This will sort your shave out, but do try and get a can from before the 2014 re-formulation (glad we've finally got over that drama guys).

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