What are you waiting on to arrive?

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I don't mind admitting I'm feeling pretty low at the moment (you know me, a chronic over sharer). I need some retail therapy, so here's my starter for 10…..

Never tried it before but saw @motto use it on a recent SOTD post and fancied the look of it.


Hope you feel on the up soon buddy, I've had my moments in the past, my wife is on meds for it (3+ years now). The dull days don't help, not to mention the not being abel to see people and give your family a hug...
+1 on this Rob, hopefully the darkness will begin to lift once we start getting back to normal with the introduction of the vaccine.
R. - I identify and sympathise - take it easy - I.
Hope you feel on the up soon buddy, I've had my moments in the past, my wife is on meds for it (3+ years now). The dull days don't help, not to mention the not being abel to see people and give your family a hug...

Thanks Gents. Really appreciate the kind words and support. (y)
I fancy trying this, have you smelt the newer sauvage? What's this like and is it the eau de parfum?

I have tried the newer Sauvage (the one with Johnny Depp on the advert) sometime ago and I wasn't a fan TBH. I haven't tried the Extreme yet. I'm a massive fan of Eau Sauvage 'Parfum' so I took a punt and bought it blind. It's a EDT not Parfum.

I'll let you know what I think of it when it shows up.

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