The Shaving Room "Where are you map"

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So, who's organising the inaugural TSR Convention/mass brawl, then? I'm not one for fisticuffs, so if you don't mind, I'll quite happily adjudicate from the bar.
I've often wondered what happens when people from shaving forums meet. I always imagined middle-aged men standing around and looking at each others faces. Quite alarming, actually.

Perhaps they stroke each other's chins in place of shaking hands? Though judging from some of the previous comments, I'd wager our lot would eventually end up stroking each other's chins with clenched fists. :lol:
Midlands (being central) seems the best place for a meet up :lol: Ollie can organise it.
I have a very strange scenario in my mind. Everyone meets up at a hotel bar and proceeds upstairs to a room where they go on to watch each other shave. Suitcases and the odd man-bag are opened to reveal soaps, creams, brushes and razors. They then head back downstairs to where their wives are waiting in their cars. :?

Somebody please paint a more exciting picture!!
we all meet up in a pub and get pissed on pimms, head out for curry then crash at Ollie's church hall.Oh and everyone has to bring a wedge of soap or some cream as a swap. :D sorted.

I used to frequent (still do) a guitarists' usenet group and it was decided that such a get-together was required. It was decided by the organisers that, all things considered geographically, Wigan was pretty much a central point, and it came to pass that the first 4 of these events did happen in Wigan.

I once went to Wigan on a "big night out" and part way through we stopped off at a chippy... Not being a fish-eater (it gives me dry boak and blisters where I touch it) I ordered a pie & chips. The operative said "would you like batter on that?". Expecting to get crispy bits of batter accompanying, I answered in the affirmative. She then took the pie out of the pie warmer, dipped it in batter and dropped it in the fryer!

My face was apparently a picture of amazement.
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