The "new" Gillette Tech: Are you getting one?


As an aside, does anyone think the reissues will devalue the vintage market?

I think it will depend on the quality of the re-issue, (or the perception of quality) and the price point.

If it's made from zinc, poorly plated, and sold for $200, I doubt it would have any impact on the vintage market.

If it was made from stainless steel, and sold for $80-$100 (competitive with the current eBay prices of the vintage Fatboys), the value of vintage Fatboys would probably drop like a rock.
I believe that technically the word vintage is to denote something of being "of a certain vintage" such as a car or a bottle of wine.

Well, that depends... does aging your razor with, say, 50 years of plate loss, corrosion, or soap scum make it shave better? It sounds like to some here, it may very well do so, providing a very vintage shave... :p
Would it be correct to actually refer to them as vintage? :)

It's a term that's generally come to be used, correctly or incorrectly, to refer to "older" razors. Should we refer to them as classics? That's a term commonly coined for an item which has outlasted its conventional life expectancy.

Good points about the materials, quality (or perceived quality) and asking price, but the overwhelming opinion so far seems to be "thanks but no thanks", unless the overall package (including sensible price) is irresistible. Especially for a cheap job in plated zinc.

I was just in the local AoS store and they did have the banner about the Gillette Tech on display. I chatted with the store manager - who himself was into older razors. He had seen the prototype in brass but didn't know what it would eventually be made in. He did say that they had stated that they intended to re create the razors as faithfully as possible with the possibility of longer handles (as people these days are used to the longer cart handles). He mentioned the fatboy as well and said that the last he had heard is that there were five razor models in total slated for 're-introduction'.

He didn't have any timeline for the Tech but assumed an October date.

How's that post for continuing to spread vague and unsubstantiated rumors [emoji6]
Would it be correct to actually refer to them as vintage? :)
A replica of a vintage design perhaps, or a 'modern' replica.
I'm puzzled because Gillette have no interest whatsoever in promoting DE razor shaving
Art of Shaving does. They would rather sell "Gillette" branded razors than the current Merkur/MÜHLE/Edwin Jagger (whichever) offerings they currently have.
Remember, they are owned by Procter and Gamble, who also owns Gillette.
He mentioned the fatboy as well and said that the last he had heard is that there were five razor models in total slated for 're-introduction'.

How's that post for continuing to spread vague and unsubstantiated rumors [emoji6]
It did quite well actually.

The idea of five models is new. The Tech is an old rumor, as is the Fatboy, but now the question is- what other three models could the be considering?

I'll assume some version of the SuperSpeed is somewhat of a given. I'll also assume that we only get one version of an Adjustable. That leaves two. We can probably assume that one of those, at least, is an OC though that leaves a lot to choose from and also one slot open. Personally, I can't imagine what the last one would be. (Lady Gillette, anyone?)

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