The "new" Gillette Tech: Are you getting one?

The first in the 'retro-razor reintroduction' is now being advertised in AoS stores

Price: Approx $70 / £48
Material: Unknown
Plating: Unknown
Availability: Sept, 2016

Will you be getting one?



Ha, ha, ha...NO. I'm not opposed to the idea of re-creating vintage razor designs, but we all know it won't be nickel plated brass. If they wanted to get people excited, they should have released (or announced a plan to release) a stainless steel Fatboy. As it is, someone will probably beat them to to it, as long as the humble tech has taken to get off the ground.
...If they wanted to get people excited, they should have released (or announced a plan to release) a stainless steel Fatboy. As it is, someone will probably beat them to to it, as long as the humble tech has taken to get off the ground.

They are. That is mentioned over at B&B in the marathon thread.
do you expect it to match or exceed the quality of the original Fatboy?

Why not? It is, perhaps, too early to tell what they'll do, but machining technology and tolerances are better today then they were then, and alloys are better and longer lasting. It depends on what they decide to go with, but yes, if they wanted to, a Fatboy made today can be made to much better standards than what was made originally, both in machining and materials.
Why not? It is, perhaps, too early to tell what they'll do, but machining technology and tolerances are better today then they were then, and alloys are better and longer lasting. It depends on what they decide to go with, but yes, if they wanted to, a Fatboy made today can be made to much better standards than what was made originally, both in machining and materials.
Oh, I agree with you, but I think that the corporate bean counters at Procter & Gamble will go for the lowest cost option over the highest quality one.

But, suppose they did make one, improved, in stainless steel, would you buy it?
Oh, I agree with you, but I think that the corporate bean counters at Procter & Gamble will go for the lowest cost option over the highest quality one.

But, suppose they did make one, improved, in stainless steel, would you buy it?

Well, I'm more of a minimalist when it comes to razors. As a DE, it would have to beat my Wolfman, and I doubt a new Fatboy would beat that.

...But... if I was a collector, or a big fan of Gillette or the Fatboy, a stainless steel Fatboy with tighter tolerances would be mighty tempting.

I would also say that AOS is not your typical P&G product line. Overpriced, yes, but AOS sold materials are mostly top notch in quality... so why would a Tech or Fatboy be any less so?
While I have been interested to follow the whole will this happen won't this happen discussions from when these rumours were first mooted, I don't think that interest will develop into anything more after all I already have an original Tech and Fatboy.
If Gillette made it in solid gold or titanium some would still be unhappy. It will be what it will be and if a person doesn't like it then they have the obvious option of not purchasing one. However, as with most things 99% of the naysayers will never buy nor use one yet piss & moan on & on about this new 'abomination'. Disregard that many of those who do so were those screaming at Gillette to reintro modern DE razors.

The bottom line is the old saw that some people would bitch if hung with a new rope. :rolleyes:
nice to see its the fat handle they have re launched-my favourite tech,even though its much too mild for me.
£48 isnt too bad a price for a brand new razor but it depends what its made of...if its plated brass and has a nice case its not particularly excessive. I have an original so i wont bother,was a LOT cheaper than £48 too!!!
Full marks to P&G for getting the message but no, thanks. I'll wait to see what bargain price they demand for the Fatboy.

As an aside, does anyone think the reissues will devalue the vintage market?

...As an aside, does anyone think the reissues will devalue the vintage market?...

That depends on the quality & public perception IMO. Of course, it will elimimate a horde of FNG's with wads of cash and throwing it at every Ebay auction like a drunken sailor on leave. :rolleyes: ;)

Good question.
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