SOTD Saturday 5th September to Friday 11th September

Wed 9th Sept.
Victoria PB
Lea Menthol Cream
ER Streamline
Gem S/S [ 2 ]
Alum Rub/rinse off
Myrsol Antesol A/S

After adventures of yesterday with an Original Damaskeene blade , went for the Sure- Bet of an easy Shave. Fancied a go with a cream to accompany the shave with the Streamline. Find the Lea superior to Ingrams , in terms of menthol & Lather. The Shave as usual with a Streamline was very easy, no irritation and a really good finish. Should this be the one to use all the time, or would I miss the challenge offered by using different razors.

Must thin them out soon, as I have far too many,I had no intention of being a collector , just seemed to happen.At least thanks to TSR, I have learnt what variants of the 1912 I have. Just today [ thanks Paul ], have realised the round aluminium handle I have is a variant of the Peerless.
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Shave & Scent of the day with:
Soap: Mike's Natural Soaps Vetiver
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson Synthetic
Razor: ATT Atlas R1
Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel (4th)
Post: Fitjar Folgefonn Mint After Shave Balm
Scent: Sartorial by Penhaligon's
Morning, everyone.
Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Laser SP(3)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave soap: Palmolive
Cologne: Czech & Speake Citrus Paradisi
SOTD 9/9/15

Hot Towel
Mitchells Wool Fat
Body Shop Synthetic
Merkur 39C
Astra SS (5)
Cold Towel


Given today is the day before 'weigh day' (I'm doing Slimming World btw), I thought I'd get my fat intake by way of The Fat. I produced a superb lather with the Body Shop brush and lathered away. 1st pass gone. 2nd pass gone. 3rd pass gone. Bristles gone. There was no drama, not a single weeper or nick, no nothing. No need to moisturise after, no scent needed. I need a new challenge!

Result? 5/5. Top marks from a most basic set of equipment. If you are looking for a no fuss shave, I urge you to try this setup.
Wednesday's Wanderings:

Merkur 34HD, Ri Mei Platinum (blade courtesy of NotTheStig)
Hand-carved Ash Boar
Vintage Culmak Shaving Bowl Soap (courtesy of NotTheStig)
Benjamin's Bay Rum
Hemp Oil
Eau de Lacoste Jaune Optimistic (free sample)

Aye well, that's was summat different. The Ri Mei blade was as good as promised: sharp but smooth and very efficient in whacking off several days growth. I hadn't shaved since Sunday and initially thought the blade was a little tuggy. Not so, just the longer stubble and after the first pass the blade creamed through the lather and hair effortlessly. Longevity is another question entirely. Really enjoyed the soap too. Needs a bit of elbow grease to get the lather going but I enjoy the process so hey, get it on! Nice, clean, soapy scent without being overpowering and fairly slick. Performance was very similar to the stock of Trumper's coconut soap that I have. Most folk think that stuff is crap but I get consistently great results with it.

Huge thanks to Carl (NotTheStig) for the chance to try out these two items which I never would have otherwise. Top man!

Oh, and the EdT? Jury is out - quite nice and like nowt else I've ever sniffed but pay for a full price bottle? Not on your rubber welly.....:eek:
Wednesday, September 9th

Razor: Cobra Classic
Blade: Kai Titan Mild
Brush: Simpson M6 Manchurian (#2)
Soap: SdM Tempete
A/S: Trumper Victorian Limes Splash

This was my first use of the SdM Tempete soap and my first impression is, "WOW". I love everything about it from the scent and performance to the presentation. I enjoyed an excellent shave and cannot wait to use the Tempete again.

Last night:
Nancy Boy Signature
Omega 49
Schick Adjustable
Schick Platinum [5]
Proraso Green AS
Nivea Moisturiser

Omega 49
Weber PH on Custom Bulldog
Gillette Super Stainless NOS [1] - Fabulous blade!
Brut AS
Nivea Moisturiser
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