SOTD Saturday 5th September to Friday 11th September


Brush: Semogue 1800
Cream: Denim Original
Razor: The usual 37c
Blade: SuperMax Stainless (2) from BigBoar
ASL: Mennen Green Tonic

Nice evening shave finished with this amazing after shave splash.
Picked it in a supermarket on the west coast of France few weeks ago, a mentholated dry lime that is so refreshing and citrusy I am amazed they only wanted 3 euros for a fairly large bottle of 125ml, love these old school scents.

I also bought it's twin blue brother which is an Aqua Velva ice blue clone but might have more staying power.
Today was day two with the Schick Model B and I have to say it's fun to shave with this thing.
Schick Model B Magazine Repeater
Schick blade
Proraso PS Balm
Proraso Green Cream
Nancy Boy AS Balm
Pinaud Special Reserve AS
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: Proraso - Sandalwood
Soap: Art of Shaving - Sandalwood
Bowl: Woodhead Pedestal
Brush: Vie-Long Horse Hair 13061M
Razor: Schick Injector E2
Blade: Schick Injector Plus Plat(1)
After: Barbershop Bay Rum AS, C&E -Sandalwood ASB

This AoS soap always impresses me with top performance and an unusual single-note sandalwood scent. First time use of a NOS Schick Plus Platinum blade in this razor and it works really well. Razor has enough bite to make good use of this blade's sharpness. All in all a great fun shave. Razor's so light it's like a gnat buzzing round your face (in an enjoyable way :confused: ).
Result BBS except for under the chin where I need more experience getting this right. In fact so good I broke out my limited supply of Barbershop Bay Rum.
Looking forward to more practice tomorrow.

Shave on...

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Morning, chaps.
Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Laser SP(2)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave cream: TOBS Avocado
Aftershave: Caldey Abbey
Cologne: Caldey Abbey

A totally unexpected BBS. I usually get reasonable results with this blade that can't get no respect, but it did a terrific job this morning. Maybe the excellent shave cream gave it a boost.

Shave & Scent of the day with:
Soap: Tim's Soap Greek Peach
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson Synthetic
Razor: ATT Atlas R1
Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel (3rd)
Post: Saponificio Varesino Aromatic Fern After Shave Balm
Scent: Still Life by Olfactive Studio

Damn I love this soap!
Tues 8th Sept .
READ " What it says on the Label"

Brush Vulfix 404. Soap Vitos Red.
Using Gem 1912 Damaskeene , with original Damaskeene Blade- so beautifully wrapped and sealed. It emerged pristine, so despite not being able to strop it as instructed on the Label , I decided to try it out . Yesterday .had used Gem with a modern blade.

Felt very raspy with loads of noise,so thought I was in for a rocky ride. Took it carefully, and got all areas cleared. Surprisingly easy on upper lip and chin . Also , quite forgiving when going ATG. Resultant shave patchy, very good on my LHS, but a bit scraggy on LHS.
Am sure it would be better stropped , but felt obliged to give it a try. No irritation ,cuts/weepers.At the moment the modern blade wins out.

Look forward to hearing how the other recipients of the PIF have fared. Cheers to Marcus, for the chance to try this original blade out.
Mike B

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