SOTD Saturday 5th September to Friday 11th September

Marque CSF French Hoe SE...:)

Another shot...:cool:

Three Pass Shaving Routine....:p

Hot Water prep & massage with Coconut Oil
Marque CSF French Hoe SE
Gem Stainless (Modified) Se Blade (New)
Semogue Boar Brush
Palmolive Shaving Cream (added Aragn oil)
Organic Aloe Vera Gel
LOGONA Man Aftershave Balm (From Germany)

I achieved a most perfect BBS result with this lovely French Marque CSF Hoe ....I would honestly equate this French Hoe to a Schick F Type Injector...This razor is quite aggressive, but ever so smooth and forgiving....I have three French Hoes and they shave as efficiently as any injector for sure....I utilize a full Gem spine behind the blade to replicate the intended shaving angle of the original wedge blade....I can only say get one of these as you wont regret it.....:p

French Hoes are the Dogs Danglies....::D

I'd love a French Hoe FB!....;)...Well someone had to say it!.
The best way to get them to google French Ebay and don't use the English version as it only display's sellers that advertise international shipping....A lot of French sellers just advertise local postage costs....I just ping them a message and they have always been willing to accommodate UK postage....o_O

I am really starting to like this Michromatic OC. This was day three with it and I got a very nice BBS with two passes and some touch up. No blood since day one.[emoji1]
Gem Micromatic
Gem blade (3)
TOBS Grapefruit Cream
Florida Water
Have fun!
SOTD - Thurs
Soap: Figaro Monsieur Gold
Brush: Shavemac 26mm 2-band silvertip
Razor: Weber DLC, Jurgen Hemple Ti-Wave handle
Blade: Personna (Israeli) platinum (2)
Post: Figaro Monsieur Gold splash, followed by AdP "Oud" EdC
Went full Oud today. Very nice shave indeed.
SOTD 10/9/15

Hot Towel
Wilkinson Sword Blue Bowl Soap w/Olive Oil
Wilkinson Sword Boar
Merkur 39C
Astra SS (6)
Cold Towel


Today I was determined to try a blend of oil and Wilkinson Sword Blue Bowl soap, in order to improve the experience. Now, it's only the post shave feel I have issues with when using the blue bowl soap, the protection and glide are fine for me. So, prepped in the usual manner, whipped up a good amount of proto-lather, and started whipping up. As the lather was starting to build, I added maybe a 1/3 teaspoon of oil to the mix as it was being whipped. Now, I'll be honest, the lather had all but collapsed entirely by the end of the third pass, so you have to be quick. That said, there was no loss of performance in terms of glide and protection, in fact it felt a bit better. Did I achieve the aim? You bet your clean shaven face I did! Normally my face is left taught and dry after this soap, not today. Smooth, moisturised and entirely happy with the result.

Result? 5/5. Cannot complain at all. Mostly BBS, lovely post shave finish. And cheap! I urge you to give it a try if you have this soap and find the post shave feel a little underwhelming.
Evening, gents.
Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Laser SP(4)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave cream: Flint
Aftershave:Eau de Grey Flannel
Cologne: Eau de Grey Flannel
Prep - Shower / Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam
Razor - Gillette Ball End Tech
Blade - Personna Lab Blue (#4 and out)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Arko / glycerine / mental crystals
After - Frozen towel / Alum & WH Mix
Result - BBS

Another phenomenal result tonight for the Lab Blues. I think I've given them a good test between Slim Adjustable, Rocket HD, NEW LC and now the Tech, so this is definitely added to the permanent rotation.
I really wasn't expecting that a blade made outside of Russia, was going to be everything I was looking for in a blade.
They could probably last longer but this was a trial so I'll see how long it lasts when I get around to using it again.
Thurs night
Virginia Sheng purtech
Nivea Originals Cream, mentholated, bowl lathered
Gillette Tech, Shark super stainless #2
Rinse > Alum > Cold rinse
Alcolado glacial / Witch Hazel mix
Nivea Cooling Balm

Have not abandoned my DE shaving. Lovely shave, simple and uncomplicated.
Stahly head on bulldog handle
Ri Mei Platinum
Razorock Zi Peppino shaving soap
Semogue 1305
Goya Corvette aftershave

I know the Ri Mei blades are unusually sharp and smooth but I'd forgotten exactly how, and how much the Stahly loves working with them. Combine this with an excellent performing soap with probably my favourite smell of any soap I've ever smelt and you're on to a winner.
Yes, BBS, no irritation and a splash of vintage Goya juice as well. It's not as good as some of the other Goya Corvette aftershaves I have (about a tenth of the potency, too) but I'd wanted to try one of the ones from my box sets for a long time and the seal having dropped to the bottom of the bottle during manipulation for the acquisitions thread photos was a sign from the shaving gods I should do just that. Erm, and then leave it forever more as the opened bottle I have which looks newer is actually much better!


Goya Corvette.jpg
SOTD - Friday
Pre: RazoRock menthol/lime soap
Soap: Vintage Yardley
Brush: Shavemac 26mm 2-band silvertip
Razor: Gillette Tech (pre-war)
Blade: Personna (Israeli) platinum (3)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel with 444 menthol, then Myrsol Formula-C
I've spent the last 2 days cleaning this Tech. A recent 'Bay of Fleas' find, it was delivered with a 30-yr old blade crushed in the head. At least I assume it was a blade since nothing was left but a thick layer of rust.
It cleaned up rather well! Very nice shave indeed.
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