SOTD Saturday 3rd September - Friday 9th September

SOTD 20160903


Brush: custom finest 2-band / porcelain handle.
Shaving bowl: Epsilon.
Shaving cream: Derby Lavender.
Razor: iKon 102 ("Schraegschnitt") with custom handle.
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (2).
After shave: Alcolado Glacial.

iKon 102: still learning.
Porcelain handle: still intact.

DFS++ result.

Have a nice day, gentlemen ! :rolleyes:
Good news regarding your brush handle.

Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (Day 5)
Brush: Semogue Owners Club 2 Band
Cream: Lavanda
Postshave: Cold Water & Nivea Sensitive Post Shave Balm

I had a very enjoyable shave this morning. The cream is an excellent performer with a lovely scent and just a nice amount of menthol for me. It always gives me a great post post shave feel, leaving my face very soft. The Portuguese combination of cream and brush are a real winner I have found.

Three Pass Shaving Routine..:cool:

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
Rolls Razor
Hollow Ground Blade
Fitchard Pure Badger
Valobra Tallow soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel

I had the Most Wonderful Shave with My Rolls for the SE September Celebration..A Most Perfect Every Darn North to South & East to West BBS Result was Had with this Grand Old Shaver..I Haven't Shaved with a Factory Blade Razor in Months & No Wonder..I have been Shaving with SRs & Occasionally Hollow Ground Blade SEs..o_O

After I Honed this Blade Sometime Ago I got Kinda Thinking..These Rolls Blades are Designed to Be Stropped & Honed in the Rolls System with Some Amount of Pressure that Most Hollow Ground Blades would Not Stand Up Too..I Cant Quit Figure what they have Done to the Edge to Sustain this Kinda Treatment..Any Roads..On that Note..I Decided to Hit the Chromium Oxide for 30 Laps or Whatever I thought it Would Take to get a Darn Fine Killer Finished Edge after Coming Off the Hone..;)

On the Factual Knowledge that the Rolls Uses a Pressurized System I Used some Pressure on the Chrom/Ox Pasted Paddle Strop..Well Darn Me all the Way to Hell & Back..I had a Killer Edge but Still Very Smooth..Now..I Would Never Do that Amount of Laps on Chrom/Ox with any Other Blade Never Mind the Pressure..If You Attempted this Method with a Swedish Steel CV Heljestrand or any other SE Hollow Ground Blade it would just have a Negative Effect..Far Too Much Gun so to Speak..The Rolls Blade is Different from any Other SE Hollow Ground Blade for Sure..:eek:

I Am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..:D


Three Pass Shaving Routine..:cool:

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
Rolls Razor
Hollow Ground Blade
Fitchard Pure Badger
Valobra Tallow soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel

I had the Most Wonderful Shave with My Rolls for the SE September Celebration..A Most Perfect Every Darn North to South & East to West BBS Result was Had with this Grand Old Shaver..I Haven't Shaved with a Factory Blade Razor in Months & No Wonder..I have been Shaving with SRs & Occasionally Hollow Ground Blade SEs..o_O

After I Honed this Blade Sometime Ago I got Kinda Thinking..These Rolls Blades are Designed to Be Stropped & Honed in the Rolls System with Some Amount of Pressure that Most Hollow Ground Blades would Not Stand Up Too..I Cant Quit Figure what they have Done to the Edge to Sustain this Kinda Treatment..Any Roads..On that Note..I Decided to Hit the Chromium Oxide for 30 Laps or Whatever I thought it Would Take to get a Darn Fine Killer Finished Edge after Coming Off the Hone..;)

On the Factual Knowledge that the Rolls Uses a Pressurized System I Used some Pressure on the Chrom/Ox Pasted Paddle Strop..Well Darn Me all the Way to Hell & Back..I had a Killer Edge but Still Very Smooth..Now..I Would Never Do that Amount of Laps on Chrom/Ox with any Other Blade Never Mind the Pressure..If You Attempted this Method with a Swedish Steel CV Heljestrand or any other SE Hollow Ground Blade it would just have a Negative Effect..Far Too Much Gun so to Speak..The Rolls Blade is Different from any Other SE Hollow Ground Blade for Sure..:eek:

I Am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..:D

Great info on the rolls blade billy, thank you, very interesting .

Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (Day 5)
Brush: Semogue Owners Club 2 Band
Cream: Lavanda
Postshave: Cold Water & Nivea Sensitive Post Shave Balm

I had a very enjoyable shave this morning. The cream is an excellent performer with a lovely scent and just a nice amount of menthol for me. It always gives me a great post post shave feel, leaving my face very soft. The Portuguese combination of cream and brush are a real winner I have found.
A good picture .
Great info on the rolls blade billy, thank you, very interesting .
Cheers..Every Safety Razor after the Rolls is a Step Backwards into Buying Capitalist Caveman Disposable Razor Blades..King Gillette himself was Plagued by the Rolls Success in the USA..Huge Parts of Rural America would Not Buy into Gillette's DE Disposable Blades Right into the 60s.. He also Knew it was a Far Superior Shaver..:D

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