SOTD Saturday 26th November - Friday 2nd December 2016

Friday 2nd Dec
RazoRock Plissoft
OSP Vintage cream
Gillette Slim Adjustable #9
SuperMax Blue Diamond #2
Alum > Rinse > Duru Mandarin Cologne
Gillette Pro 3in1 Balm
Blue Stratos EDT

The razor/blade combo was so good last time, I decided to play again.
This time with the OSP Vintage flavoured cream, the scent of which is absolutely exquisite.
The lovely smooth result proved I was right in continuing with the razor/blade combo.
Bring on the 3rd.

Great shaves to all ;)

+1 for the slim....Great photo!
Friday 2nd Dec
RazoRock Plissoft
OSP Vintage cream
Gillette Slim Adjustable #9
SuperMax Blue Diamond #2
Alum > Rinse > Duru Mandarin Cologne
Gillette Pro 3in1 Balm
Blue Stratos EDT

The razor/blade combo was so good last time, I decided to play again.
This time with the OSP Vintage flavoured cream, the scent of which is absolutely exquisite.
The lovely smooth result proved I was right in continuing with the razor/blade combo.
Bring on the 3rd.

Great shaves to all ;)
Nice photo!
Three days beard growth. o_O

Sink face wash & heavy duty cleansing with Noxema
Cold River Soap Works Citrus
Schick I 2 injector razor
Vintage Schick Plus Platinum blade (#3)
Omega basic boar brush

DFS with very short but sure strokes. My beard is fairly tough, so I just cannot "hack" through several days growth like swinging a machete in the jungle.

The more I use this Schick I 2 Hydro-Magic injector razor the more convinced I am that it is indeed the best of the lot as regards injectors. Perfect level of aggression for my mug. ;)
Friday AM 2016-12-02

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Elite Razor Poplar Manchurian White (24mm/50mm)
Floris Verbena shaving soap (tallow)
Delta Echo Feather AS-D2/Triad Copper Rolling Hexagon
Wilkinson Light Brigade (6)
Houbigant Yama aftershave (vintage)

The Yama initially is pretty sweet, reminding me of vintage Pierre Cardin, but it evolves into a more amber tone.
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