SOTD Saturday 17th -Friday23rd September 2016

Dumas & Co razor (new and better scales), Jabonman Tierra Humeda soap in vintage box, synthetic brush Dalvey, Pinaud Clubman AS

Great photo.
Good evening Gents and welcome to a shave which consisted of more than a few double takes at my razor and blade of choice. Read on for another thrilling installment....

Prep: Hot shower and L'Oreal charcoal face wash
Pre: King of Shaves oil and hot towel.
Brush: Semogue 830
Bowl: Aesop stainless Steel
Razor: ATT S2
Blade: Gillette Nacet
Cream: Trufitt & Hill Grafton
Post: Hot/cold water rinse and Thayers unscented witch hazel.
Aftershave balm: Nivea

First time using the S2 and the Nacet blades. Looking at the blade exposed you would think it would be aggressive. I was gobsmacked! I had to keep looking at my razor and feeling my face. Yep it's working all right.
The most comfortable and efficient shave yet. I will have to try the Nacet blades in my R1 so I can see if it's the blade or the razor.

This was the first time I've used an open comb and a slant and I'm totally hooked.

Enjoy the rest of your evening.
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And the theme for this evening was....'Special iKon'

Ikon OC/ATT Colossus/Feather
Muhle synthetic
Arran aromatics Bay Citrus
Clarins moisturiser
Aqua Di Parma blu mediterraneo bergamotto di calabria

I haven't been posting too much on SOTD of recent as life has been somewhat busy with decorating and with weather like this motorbikes become more important.

Also for the past two weeks I have been literally using the same equipment all the time in an R89 and L'Occitane Cade, but I have decided to stop being a 'stuck in the mud' and go back to other avenues. I truly forgot how brilliant the Ikon OC is and Arran Aromatics must be the bargain of the moment at £4.99 from Fragrance Direct. ADP because I love it's extravagantly long name and other than that a wonderful fresh scent.

The only issue I have with the Ikon is that I find it difficult to shave around the chin and under the nose can be a bit of a 'hold your breath'. Overall though a fantastically smooth shave and smelling all lemony bergemoty. Another happy shave.
Greetings Folks

Quick evening shave (sorry, no pic.)

Clinique charcoal face wash
Semogue 1470
Saponificio Verasino Tundra Artica (sample)
Face lather
Merkur 34C
Astra SP #1
Alum block, Thayer's Rose Petal and Aloe Vera Witch Hazel
Proraso Green a/s

The Astra seems to be a blade that sits comfortably with all my DE razors so far. Personna Israeli Reds were my go to blades with the Merkur; but the Astras are biting at their heel. They harmonise with the milder razors (Merkur, English Tech, Travel Tech, Superspeed) and the comparitively more aggressive pre-war Fat Handle Tech (triangular holes in baseplate).

SV TA is a great soap (Shave Dash sample still going strong); slick and protective (especially slick).

3 passes, one touch-up. Very smooth and no irritation (the alum told me so).

Take care, guys.
Good evening Gents and welcome to a shave which consisted of my than one or two double takes at my razor and blade of choice. Read on for another thrilling installment....

Prep: Hot shower and L'Oreal charcoal face wash
Pre: King of Shaves oil and hot towel.
Brush: Semogue 830
Bowel: Aesop stainless Steel
Razor: ATT S2
Blade: Gillette Nacet
Cream: Trufitt & Hill Grafton
Post: Hot/cold water rinse and Thayers unscented witch hazel.
Aftershave balm: Nivea

First time using the S2 and the Nacet blades. Looking at the blade exposed you would think it would be aggressive. I was gobsmacked! I had to keep looking at my razor and feeling my face. Yep it's working all right.
The most comfortable and efficient shave yet. I will have to try the Nacet blades in my R1 so I can see if it's the blade or the razor.

This was the first time I've used an open comb and a slant and I'm totally hooked.

Enjoy the rest of your evening.
I'm sure you will notice a difference with the Nacet blade in your R1 but I'm not sure which razor you will like best now you have used the S2, I'm a little concerned about what you are lathering up in though and I didn't know they were made in stainless!
I'm sure you will notice a difference with the Nacet blade in your R1 but I'm not sure which razor you will like best now you have used the S2, I'm a little concerned about what you are lathering up in though and I didn't know they were made in stainless!

Why are you concerned about the bowl?

To be honest I am looking for something else. A ceramic bowl or scuttle with a handle on.
Why are you concerned about the bowl?

To be honest I am looking for something else. A ceramic bowl or scuttle with a handle on.
Ha, I've got nothing against lathering up in a bowl but it's a bit off when you are lathering up in a bowel even if it is stainless steel, ha, thanks mate first laugh I've had all day. It will be that predictive text again!
Bugger! I've made a right arse of myself! 
Nice one, ha, that's very funny.
I always have to double read anything I tap into my phone because it can choose the most inappropriate word's for me and I don't think I can turn the predictive text off, it happens to us all, thanks for putting a smile on my face tonight. Take it easy.


Two Pass Shaving Routine...:cool:

Hot Water prep & Massage with Argan Oil
French Special Monneret 1/2 Hollow 6/8th
Mason Pearson Pure Badger
Wickham 1912 Vegetal Soap (Un Scented)
Dominican Bay Rum

A Very Comfortable Late Evening Shave Tonight with the Frenchy 6/8th..Smooth as Butter this Heavy Spine SR & Just Ploughs through the Whiskers...Super Shiny & Real Looker..I like this 1912 Soap & although I am a Tallow Hard Head this Stuff is Very Skin Friendly & the Post Shave is Amazing..Great Shave..;)

I Am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..:D

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